Tec - you are partially correct but I'd like to expand the definition a little. You get atheists who are democrats and a subset of them are child abusers. This, hopefully minuscule, set of people has three overlaid convictions which on further analysis will be subdividable into further groupings. Within each grouping there may be behaviour or assumptions that are 'crazy' to mainstream society and then there will be behaviours and thought processes that are 'crazy' when analysed rationally. Society agrees that children don't want to be abused so something thinking they do is assigned a 'crazy' evaluation. Republicans think that Democrat policies are 'crazy'. Science tells us that belief in a 6000 year old world and a flood causing Jehovah is 'crazy' but many Republicans may well think that the atheist position is 'crazy'. In short craziness is both a social tagging system and an intrinsic quality of some behaviour.
The article pointed this out quite well. All religious faiths recognise the craziness in their peers but are blind to their own; fashion encourages health damaging behaviour that science can point out but the fashion industry is blind to. A believer or non believer are all parts of many sub groups who may or may take part in social or scientific tagged craziness.
I think that faith based religions , including personal religions of one or two believers, are scientifically shown to be crazy because all physical assumptions ( for example the biblical flood ) made by faith based religions tend to fail 100% ( I will agree there is evidence that social structures in faiths can be beneficial to mental health but the lack of preference for any one religion argues against a specific god blessing those believers.) Western society is beginning to socially tag religious faith as crazy as well but faith has had a good run as the dominant meme in recorded human history.
Personally I do think the pronouncements of many who hear voices or get messages are crazy ( I don't wish to open the can of worms regarding brain illnesses now, to be clear, like the article, I am using the term 'crazy' in its social and scientific sense I.e. nonsense) not because they are good/bad, nasty/ lovely but simply because they are unable to substantiate extremely unusual viewpoints with anything other than dogmatic assertion and in some cases religious style group testifying ( so and so is right I feel the spirit tell me so ).