Well I'm confused. Is this a thread about what atheists think about theists or is it a thread about what atheists say about theists or is it a thread about what atheists should think about theists or is it a thread about what Tec thinks atheists think about theists ?
Tec - since you aren't an atheist and apparently were born a fully fledged gnostic Christian how on earth do you have a clue about what atheists think about theists? Have you still not moved on in your understanding that atheism isn't a unified group with some dogma. You'd have more ground for assertions if you chose an actual philosophy ( rationalism? Humanism? Skepticism?) rather than a word describing a state. Really suggests you don't actually read to understand the real positions of those who claim atheism and labour to explain.
I do think you have an important voice here but it would be great if you one day thought about how absurd it is for a stonewalling believer ( you for example) to claim greater insights than those who have been on both sides of the fence.We who have been believers understand your worldview, really, we do.