Sab - What do you mean it is fallacious? It is not a lie. Leapt not to your conclusion before your argument - 'tis bad form.
Which one of these Gods do you wish to claim as the original and authentic and which a copy or imaginary creation akin to the imaginary paleo-american gods (or do you claim those as well!?)
Enlil (Sumerian) co-creator of humans then tiring of their noise sender of a destroying flood which one man , Utnapishtim, survived with the help of another God Ea/Enki (symbol the double headed snake - considerd the master shaper of the world.).
El (Levantine God) married to Asherah and considered father of the gods and creator of creatures, son named Ba'al (symbol for both : bull)
Yam (son of El - one of the Elohim), God of the water.
Teshub (Hurrian)- god of the weather, described as carrying a triple thunderbolt.
Ra (Egyptian) - god of the Sun, creator of life (spoken into existence by his secret words).
When two different ideas and gods got merged (Elohim - many gods and Yahweh single god) you get very obvious contradictions and purely mystical interpretations as the plain words simply contradict. We have two Genesis accounts, two Golden Calf stories with the ten commandments mixed in, two David and Goliaths, two flood stories, a global flood killing all but Noah then a few generations later Giants and so on. It, the books of the bible, are so inconsistent that trying to draw a straight line through teh narrative fails and clearly the poor attempts to mash multiple stories and multiple Gods into one god and then by the NT a further effort to cram Jehovah into Christ burst at the seams many times. Modern day westernised Christians then go back and add another God on top of all this and start to describe the Jesus they expect would walk these streets (the one who is against slavery, likes women's equality and thinks gays are OK).