So far I still think despite what she says Tec is just pretending to want some form of bridge in understanding since she refuses to acknowledge that the bridge in knowledge already exists ( many former believers become non believers and therefore know not only what some believers think about atheism but also what happens on the other side , what caused them to loose belief and therefore what they think about believers - critically what they think about their former self.) Tec is not qualified to make these supposed fallacies. It's as presumptuous as me , a former Mormon , making a thread about what JWs think about Mormons and then trying to lead that discussion as though I knew more than you.
Lisa , you talked about red flags, things that prompt strong responses and I think these are more telling about the relationships here.
- By all means put forward opinions but be prepared to back them up with more than just your imagination if you want your point to be discussed.
- If you have little more than faith to go on for a post then stating that at the same time goes a long way to defusing a tense situation.Hearing voices in your head is a variation on faith not rock solid evidence ( unless the voice gives us something novel and useful such as an instant cure for headaches!)
- When someone disagrees with a cherished belief it may feel like they are negating you, they aren't , separating self from belief allows a more dispassionate discussion . Some believers make the comment more about themselves than about the idea and the offences follow naturally.
- Recognise that as a believer the threads about belief are yours to derail or maintain. Normally , where a sincere question is asked, many people will go to great lengths to explain a fallacy, give a source of scholarly information , give a well thought out response etc. the flames occur when , despite answers a stonewall or whinge occurs. There is good grace in admitting new information has been presented and withdrawing to consider.
- Remember former believers understand those feelings of emotion, the thrill of faith, the allure of a loving community of like minded thinkers, some even know what it's like to hear voices, have thoughts that feel otherworldy and mystical and so on. Most non believers aren't there for casual, knee jerk reasons but have trodden further down a hard and painful path of confronting their perceptions with logic, evidence and intense introspection. Many of us are gutted by the lies and feel zealous about exposing them.