Good question, particularly if you list the beliefs of the WTS in 1919 when chosen by Himself and those now. They would be disfellowshipped today for what Jesus approved back then.
JoinedPosts by Glenmore
Writing bad checks on Jehovah's account: the Governing Body
by Terry inthe mouthpiece of jehovah speaks in his name with authority.
the governing body is the only channel of communication with the supreme being.
they identify themselves as the faithful and discreet slave.. if they are faithful, why do they write checks that bounce using jehovah's checking account?
As a bean counter by trade I am pretty much in agreement with Farkel.
Dang, this board moves too fast! :)
by onacruse ini don't have a computer at work (laptops don't last long on a construction site .
simon, please reduce daily posting limits to 5/day.. lol.
Hey Craig, when I was Deleted I posted .41/day. Now I am at 3.53. See what a difference a name change can do! Glen
PS how's things? say Hi! to Kate
Me, sort of. Drink way less now, prefer herbal remedies
Observations at a District Convention
by truman in.
i finally got my piece to post about three entries down.
Wow! Very good piece, thank you. I think you hit a lot of nails on their heads with that! You should follow through and get it published. There's common human interest here, it's beyond JW.
Do you remember .....
by Glenmore in... when you first went to randy's free minds site?
i got there in the spring of 1999. i was in nyc on business and had dinner with a bethelite friend, i asked him who was the society having trouble with from an apostasy standpoint and he said "randy watters at bethel ministries".
so when i got back to oregon i looked him up on the 'net and found free minds.
... when you first went to Randy's Free Minds site? I got there in the spring of 1999. I was in NYC on business and had dinner with a bethelite friend, I asked him who was the Society having trouble with from an apostasy standpoint and he said "Randy Watters at Bethel Ministries". So when I got back to Oregon I looked him up on the 'net and found Free Minds. I spent hours reading and reading and reading. I remember I was about the 250,000 visitor and now the counter is approaching 1.3 million. Thank you, Randy, for your work, it sure has made a difference! Glen
WT RESOLUTIONS what becomes of them??
by JT ini got an email the other day from an long time jw, in fact he was 13 at the 1958 convention in ny and polo grounds .
we were talking about the org and he posed the question to me as well- i thought about it and i could not think of anything-.
i have never heard -other than the name adoption resolution- any mention of any resolutions that we as jw adopted like in 1979, 1983 , etc.
Toilet paper comes to mind.
Time to de-lurk!
by nevergotwet ini've been lurking around these parts for a while and thought it was time to make a post, although one or two of you have come across me when i wandered into chat a few weeks back.
just a quick intro: .
i'm early 30's, was involved with the dubs since birth, but made the break when i was 18 to go to university (culture shock!).
NGW, I did PM you back but I can never tell if it "happens" or not. Anyway, I'll try again from home and see how that goes! Glen
Time to de-lurk!
by nevergotwet ini've been lurking around these parts for a while and thought it was time to make a post, although one or two of you have come across me when i wandered into chat a few weeks back.
just a quick intro: .
i'm early 30's, was involved with the dubs since birth, but made the break when i was 18 to go to university (culture shock!).
Greetings and congrats on not getting dunked and de-lurking! Are you near Southend, I'm in the UK Sept 17-27, fancy meeting for a beer?
Were You Ever Really "On The Watch"?
by minimus injws are told to always be on the watch.
always be ready.
be alert in the "time of the end".
Yes. I was. I conjured up all kind of things to "prove" these were the end times. Like the Berlin Wall coming down meant Jehovah was opening up the communist world to the Truth. That Islam would get turned on as proof of false religion biting it. Ridiculous circular reasoning. I was a very silly man.