JoinedTopics Started by Glenmore
Did I miss something? 2005??
by Glenmore ini have been busy, and then on vacation, and stuff and stuff.
so today was the first logon for me in a while.
i was reading the lawrence hughes' post via free minds and i noticed he had 2005 on his placard as a failed prophecy along with 1914 1925 etc.
I Voted Today
by willyloman inthis is the second time i've voted this year and i feel great!
what a wonderful thing it is to be able to freely express yourself, take some responsibility, and at least feel like you have some choice in who leads, who calls the shots in this world in which we all live.
and what a contrast with the local kingdom hall, where you don't get to choose the po, you don't get to pick the co, you have no say in who, what, when or where.
What do you dream about?
by Glenmore ini suppose i shouldn't admit this, but darn it, i will.
for the past 6 years i have been a daily user of a certain illegal herb, the one that blocks your dreams.
in my defence i have chronic pain and it helps.
Letter From Society Say Going To a JW/Non-JW Wedding Has Consequences!
by minimus inmy mother called me in a tizzy saying that her friend heard that letters were read and a talk was given in 2 different congregations saying that the society's new policy is that if a elder, m.s.
or pioneer attends an "unequaled" wedding----they will be removed from their exemplary positions because they are "disloyal to jehovah god"........what do you think about this one?
My recent experience with some JDubyas in the UK
by Glenmore ini'm sure that if these old friends of mine knew how apostate i was they wouldn't have come round to see me, but they did.
my mum was a long-time rv and a place to go pee when the brethren were door too door in her area (benfleet, essex).
they are actually very nice people, like so many are, and they were genuinely glad to see me.
by tresbella ino.k, so i have major issues people.
issues with my low-self esteem, issues with my previous abusive relationship that i once blamed on the fact that i deserved for sinning,while dating a non wiittness.
issues with the control the society has had on me and the control they instilled onto my parents to have on me way before i even knew better and i was wondering if anyone knew of any sites or possible online therapists that specialize in helping former jw's or people like me who are still young and live at home and so therefore have no choice but to live that "double life.
No Trespassing!! Breaking news for local JW's.
by Mulan inthis week at the book study, at all congregations in the u.s., a letter was read saying if you go to a house or property with a "no trespassing" sign, you must not enter, or knock on the door.
you have to leave immediately.
a sign saying "no solicitors" is too ambiguous, and they are to use their own judgment, and don't have to knock.
I'm back, and I know you didn't miss me, and that's okay
by Glenmore ini just returned from sunny southend-on-sea (essex, england) to bring my mum back for the winter.
it's somewhat like the swallows returning to wherever they return, but more expensive.
i like the uk but i hate the trip.
Ozzie's Weekend Poll #113 How long did you stay?
by ozziepost inhow's this weekend going for you?
here downunder spring has well and truly sprung today with temperatures in the high thirties (that's around 100 for you north americans!!
in the sydney region.