dear jgnat...
in response to your comment about viscious things spouting from doctrine...yes when you see the doctrine as God punishing sin with eternal torment in hell it does sound viscious. However...all the punishment for sin has been poured out on Jesus. God doesn't punish man for his sin Jesus took all of it (literally the sins of the world) That is why the bible doesn't say God is going to punish sinners for eternity in hell. Those in hell are there because they didn't want salvation. Jesus said as much...they didn't want to come into the Light...they stayed in darkness, condemned.
what is more viscious...being upfront about an individuals (possible) fate of eternal torment in hell so that an informed decision based on what the bible teaches can be made OR being mislead by being told that there is no eternal torment in hell there is annihilation?(sweeping all that nasty stuff under the carpet)
one is monumental ear-tickling, really.
The consequence of persons wrong decision is held in stark contrast.
It's despicable. I won't hesitate to mention how many people have been misled by the WTBTS and their dogmatic stance on hell. Those are already showing the consequences of buying into satan's scheme...already HELD in bondage to darkness. initially it sounds better but, that is the means of something designed to tickle the ear.
love michelle