the strong's definition of torture is not removed from what the "meaning" is now.
those in hell will be in torments because they haven't been assessed as pure like those who have been covered by the blood of the Lamb. the assessment/torment isn't going to change. the outcome of the judgement is eternal. Another way that this assessment/judgement is portrayed is by fire. The outcome of that is eternal too.
the method of assessment whether by literal fire or the consuming gaze of the Lord shouldn't really deter someone from contemplating the seriousness of rejecting the salvation that Jesus is extending to each human being. a person will be subject to the pain and anguish resulting from being left behind, that person will also be eternally subjected to the reactions of others to their similar situation...
Tammy is your opposition to the unchangeableness of the torments(no purgatory/purification type possibity) or the fact that the bible teaches that people will be subjected to the consequences of the results of the assessment for ever and ever.(ie: conscience existance apart from God where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth)
love michelle