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FORGIVENESS ... You owe it to your health
by ABibleStudent ini'm cleaning up my home of unnecessary magazines/newsletters that i have accumulated over the years.
while i was working as an employee i did not feel like i had the time to read them.
now that i'm not working as an employee but work as a volunteer to network and maintain workplace skills, i seem to have more time to read.. after reading many threads by former jws, i thought that the following article might help some to heal.
Those are strong and beautiful sentiments, lisaB
'Obey the organization like Moses'--why this is wrong
by sd-7 ini was just thinking about how the watchtower often compares the organization's position to that of moses.
challenging moses, in their retelling of the biblical account, equated challenging god's authority, as korah, dathan, and abiram did, to their own peril.
the conclusion we are to gain from this is not to challenge, question, or disagree with the watchtower society's teachings even in our private thoughts.
sd-7 said, " the Governing Body takes credit for providing spiritual 'food at the proper time', asserting that its Watchtower literature is from God and that those who seek to study even the Bible by itself are 'testing God' by saying 'his provisions' aren't enough. But God did not say he would provide additional books beyond the scriptures that would help people understand them better"...
the two-edged sword: the bible + the watchtower magazine.
Haven't they read that the word of God is sharper than any two edged sword that's why it's the go to reference for christian apologists, ex-JW and agnostics when trying to defeat WT doctrines and dogmas.
love michelle
A MESSAGE to the Governing Body and others like them through human history
by Terry inthere is something all too familiar about it, something that sickens the stomach and reminds us how low and prejudiced evil minds can go.. those who divide humans up in order to weaken and conquer them will stop at nothing if not counterfeit reasoning to justify their evil.. .
the arguments made in the past and the arguments made in the present have a familiar ring to them and the false clanger is a note of warning!.
"if you give women the right to vote, you're just doubling the vote of their husband.".
dear Terry...
this is what you said, "The families who read the Governing Body's distortions about Blood stand beside their own dying children deliberately made a party to the death of their own flesh and blood! They'd NEVER have done so had they stuck with their own Bible and prayerful reflection. No--they got it from the murderous minds of JW leaders. I say HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE--don't let them off as self-deceived leaders just as confused as the others."...
i think there is a difference between being deceived and confused, don't you? Besides, I mentioned them being deceived by something other than themselves...something that hold them with fear. NOT confusion.
so, it doesn't matter how heartlessly or unconscionable a person acts if they aren't on the GB it's just following orders? Interesting that you mention only this one specific doctrine in your arguement. Not to ever downplay the significance of the harm and loss of life as a result of this doctrine but, it hasn't been the reason for most people leaving the WTBTS. my point being there are people that did other harmful things that were just following orders but you don't suggest that they should be held accountable in anyway. I guess that's where your views fall short of the actual definition of justice and accountability.
You can say I miss the point but I actually spoke about the notion of real accountability while you move to call into question my motive, empathy and ability to understand. Hey, if you want pick at your scab every month or so and then scream cuz it hurts, fine. If you have found an audience who likes that kind of thing too, fine. But don't kid yourself, why talk holding the GB accountable...they feel they aren't accountable to you or anyone else on here and you can scream until you blue in the face. Nothing is going to happen until they are made to feel accountable to God. incedentally, why would they be inclined to listen to your foul mouth if they haven't listened to loving, caring people who make an effort to teach from the bible? James 5:19-20
love michelle
A MESSAGE to the Governing Body and others like them through human history
by Terry inthere is something all too familiar about it, something that sickens the stomach and reminds us how low and prejudiced evil minds can go.. those who divide humans up in order to weaken and conquer them will stop at nothing if not counterfeit reasoning to justify their evil.. .
the arguments made in the past and the arguments made in the present have a familiar ring to them and the false clanger is a note of warning!.
"if you give women the right to vote, you're just doubling the vote of their husband.".
Jonh-Mann said if you are in a leader position your DUTY...
true but, these people also admit to gaining insight into the scriptures from some authority HIGHER than themselves. their DUTY is to THAT authority, not the r&f. (the fear of consequence of disobedience comes from the higher authority ultimately if you're unsure or convinced your peers aren't "with you") and I'm not saying that they can put that forward as their excuse like they've been doing, only that that kind of inability to act in the leadership role can be a result of heeding the WRONG higher authority. I know many of you don't put any stock in the existance of "spirit forces" that sway the thoughts of men but, those of us who DO, will...(because we're free to) acknowledge the reason for their course.
throwing away a piece or two of the puzzle doesn't produce a complete view of the picture...
love michelle
A MESSAGE to the Governing Body and others like them through human history
by Terry inthere is something all too familiar about it, something that sickens the stomach and reminds us how low and prejudiced evil minds can go.. those who divide humans up in order to weaken and conquer them will stop at nothing if not counterfeit reasoning to justify their evil.. .
the arguments made in the past and the arguments made in the present have a familiar ring to them and the false clanger is a note of warning!.
"if you give women the right to vote, you're just doubling the vote of their husband.".
dear Terry...
you said, "While some of us sit all smug and forgiving at the misfortune of others because it is seen to be virtuous to purr when beaten, I disagree and say so. To sit there and say the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses may be "just as deceived and bound" as the rank and file--well, it flabbergasts me!"...
several things I'd like to address. Indeed the GB appear to be bound to J.Rutherfords personal "doctrine" and that is my point...he's died yet rules after the fact to the point of instilling fear of reprisals into grown men. I see many of you have your own opinion of the GB but the fact is Ray Franz knew that some had tender hearts.
Yes, Terry, you want people who injure others held accountable for their actions regardless of why they did it. Your convicting eye falls close to home with that uncharitable standard that you've set. The parent that made the decision to withhold life blood and instead held the lifeless body of their child...Beloved Grace, bringing her family and others into the religion...The elders here, the HLC members...ANYONE here that has made a wrong choice that's injured others as a JW must, in your economy, be held accountable. which begs the question, accountable to whom? see, in your muddled thinking there really ISN'T anyone who can HOLD these people (leaders or not) to account for their recompense. That's why, no doubt, you fully expect to be railing against the WTBTS until someone closes your casket. That is what no hope looks like...
I mentioned redeeming negative experiences. God can and will do that. He redeems past experiences so that you can minister to actual needs of people who are in need of empathy, understanding AND forgiveness. Nobody leaving the WTBTS needs to have their anger, vengeful hatred, guilt or helplessness stirred up. You portray a man without real hope to give. I look forward to and pray for the day when most if not all the people of JWN move quickly past your festering personal negative experience and reach out for healing...because like many have said before, this place is and can be like a shouldn't be like a sanitarium where people find encouragement from others who have nursed their own bitterness for 30+ yrs. AND in so doing now, stir up "the misfortunes of others".
btw... I haven't said even once that people should purr when beaten nor have I said that bitterness isn't a consequence stemming from the hospitality of brooklyn.
love michelle
A MESSAGE to the Governing Body and others like them through human history
by Terry inthere is something all too familiar about it, something that sickens the stomach and reminds us how low and prejudiced evil minds can go.. those who divide humans up in order to weaken and conquer them will stop at nothing if not counterfeit reasoning to justify their evil.. .
the arguments made in the past and the arguments made in the present have a familiar ring to them and the false clanger is a note of warning!.
"if you give women the right to vote, you're just doubling the vote of their husband.".
I don't see any "beauty" in that, at all. It's ugly and too pitiful...the bitterness you carry around. ( say,"where do they get the brass balls to lie, pretend, harangue and advise the rest of us with such absolute certainty in their tone?"...the rest of us? You haven't been on the JW leash for 30 years!!)
your ability to string biting adjectives together to paint a portrait of unrestrained evil may stir the emotions of a people numb but, you might also be wrong...the GB might be just as deceived and bound as the r&f. they may each be so fearful of speaking truth to one another that they feel alone like david up against goliath. each supposing the other will be in opposition. perhaps there are some tender hearts that ache on the GB, Terry. Perhaps, here too, there are those who are still tender-hearted...they could be the unseen majority and your vitrol simply doesn't minister to their need... too sad that you feel you must be abusive in your speech...a man of your age...
don't you know that a negative personal experience can and should be redeemed to help others upward?
love michelle
by Terry inthe divine plan of the ages and the sacred secret of christ depends on the shedding of jesus' blood for mankind.. here is a question of logic which baffles me.. what if everybody who heard jesus preach thought it was nice?
what if they hadn't been threatened and merely shrugged and walked away or joined his merry band of disciples?.
he'd not have made religious enemies with the jews.
dear Terry...
fortunately satan wasn't as clever as you.
james 1:22-24
love michelle
Jesus: DEMI-GOD? In a pagan Roman Empire, it was only natural!
by Terry inwhen you and i were born we started absorbing the beliefs and culture surrounding us.
(the word for this is: ethos.).
as we grew older we absorbed the beliefs and cultures we experienced among our friends.
dear designs...
I've been on this forum long enough to see that you are not real zealous for God and you are not real zealous for people to repent and turn to Him. I'm not surprized that you can't find any common ground with paul...or john the baptist or any of the OT prophets that called for repentance...or God Himself for that matter.
if king david was jewish then a large part of actually understanding judaism was understanding that God wanted people to turn to Him in everything...
psalm 40:1-8
love michelle