Well, if the sons of God were created in eternity/timelessness then they wouldn't have a mother...like adam. In order to allow for choice and decision making human beings needed an environment where they could grow and mature...an environment where there is the progression of time. Jesus was said to decend from eternity and asend to eternity. He was prepared for this environment like every other human being since adam. 40 weeks. once He asended He entered into His eternal habitation (able to move forward and backward in our time continuum) which explains why there were Christophanies before He was "born" as well as after He "died"...described as bright light.
the bible says that the fullness of God was suppressed in the physical manifestation.
I'll talk about going poop with my 11 year old boys on the way home from school if they initiate the conversation, it's simply a fact of life. I don't know why a 67(?) yo would feel the need to bring it up in disparaging the notion of God incarnate...unless you're out of aces.
love michelle