dear Joe Grundy...
one reason for the law was to separate a people out of the nations for God. this separateness is an aspect of the holiness of God as well. Through this separate nation came the oracles of God. So, when looking at the nation of israel we should be aware of BOTH the law and the prophets.
the first christians were jewish, they were separated unto the law AND through Jesus they were given more insight into the oracles...God revealed His plan for this people more fully. As gentiles became christians the same idea of being a people separated unto God was in view. (the one people called israel) this is one way of showing a bridge between OT and NT faith in One God.
Another way is in the teaching of grace or mercy...the sacrificial system was a means to obtain Gods mercy from year to year because it is impossible to keep the law in it's entirety. Especially Jews who desired to SUBMIT to God were dependant on His mercy through their sacrificial offering. (Maybe you can see a mind obeying and a heart submitting kind of difference there?) that's why Jesus said to the pharisees that they did everything that the law required but they forgot justice and mercy...their heart wasn't in it, so to speak. Jesus is our sacrifice for the mercy of God.
When Jesus came He magnified the law showing that being separated to God and being holy is more than "keeping" the law in external observance, but "keeping" this law, that separates us from the nations, in our heart...the inward man. I suppose this is where I can mention that yes, there are millions of people who are good and honest hearted who obey PART of the golden rule but, they haven't obeyed all of it because they haven't acknowledged God (in the law and the prophets).(Matthew 7:12)...that is about submission.
love michelle <3
p.s. I sort of rambled too :)