There really is only one Jesus. The fact that people have formed conclusions based on incomplete information doesn't mean there are actually many Jesus'.
To use the illustration of the blind men and the elephant (and take it further) if you weren't blind you could see that there was only that one elephant. (matt. 20:29-34)
"It solved a mystery. A great peace came over me." ~ Terry ...if you find "relief" in blindness...
The NT writers did describe the real Jesus in different ways ie: the Lamb, the Babe in a manger, the King, the Saviour, the Bread from heaven, the Truth, and the Son of God; making it easier (I think) to relate to Him from wherever you to speak.
But there is only one complete Jesus. The Lord who Paul met on the road to damascus.
Paul was zealous for judaisim and persecuted the early church (gal. 1:13-14). He went so far as to stand back and allow people to stone stephan. This action (or non-action) made him responsible for his murder under judaisim's law. Under the law (which he WAS zealous for) he would have to forfeit his own life to be "right" before HIS God. (gal. 2:19) The ONLY one who could forgive THIS jewish man was God Himself. (dan. 9:9-10; mark 2:7; ex. 23:13; joel 2:32)
After meeting the real Jesus on the road to damascus he received (gal 1:12) the forgiveness of HIS God (gal. 2:20).
the book of galatians tells us that part of the gospel paul preached WAS the judaic law. Specifically he taught HOW Jesus personally fulfilled the Holy Festivals on the jewish calendar. I say this because the jewish christians who came after paul and preached to the gentile christians were able to turn them to following some of the requirements of the law (gal. 4:9-11). Like paul said, these judaizers weren't preaching a different gospel, (gal. 1:6-7) they were distorting what he had already taught by introducting works/requirements of the law instead of grace in Christ. (from freedom to bondage...james 2:10)
What paul taught was that Jesus already fulfilled the first jewish Holy Festivals. This was the Christ foundation he built on (gal 2:18)...this is how/why he lived by faith!
paul saw how Jesus fulfilled the ONLY faith he was personally zealous for. He preached this same (fundimentalist) gospel in every gentile church he planted. we also know this because he warned his congregation that regardless of WHO came around preaching, if they preached another gospel...they were wrong and their message was accursed. (gal. 1:8-9)...clarity requires that every church had the same foundational message so that travellers from one church to another would receive the same teaching.
"the annual festival or feast in hebrew is a "set time" or 'appointed time" (heb. #2287/2283,2328)
a "holy convocation" or "sacred assembly" carries the meaning of rehearsal or recital (heb. #4744/7121,7122)
a feast appointed by God as rehearsals are for the purpose of revealing the Messiah (col. 2:16-17) and completeing God's overall plan."
* festivals Jesus already personally fulfilled (ex. 23:14; luke 22:19-20; 1 cor. 11:23-25)
- passover/unleavened bread
- first fruits
- pentecost
* festivals Jesus will fulfill when the jews are gathered into the presence of the Lord God.
- trumpets
- day of atonement
- tabernacles
love michelle