dear CoCo...
Genesis 9:14-15
continual rain, at long last, has ended another typically hot and dry summer, one that gave every appearance of extending far into a protracted indian summer.
yet, october was unusually wet.
this thanksgiving week promises daily rain.. an unforeseen sadness is creeping gradually, insidiously into the fabric of my life.
dear CoCo...
Genesis 9:14-15
hi everyone;i'm not on here too much anymore, but i've been asked to write a brief biography of our dear grace gough ('mouthy' on here).
i'm writing my own memories of her but it was also suggested that i maybe contact others who knew her to see if they had a nice memory or two of her they'd like to share.
it would only have to be a paragraph or two and your name can be kept confidential if you like.
I hear you all reminiscing about Grace and I know that she has left a mark or impression on each person she has had contact with. Grace was a woman of great faith and trust in her Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Earlier, when she was more involved in JWD/JWN the name of the one she loved and her faith peppered her conversation. She most certainly DID have an agenda during her time here. In complete opposition to the WTBTS, she longed to be an example of the love and mercy her God had shown her. I have no doubt that her living testimony as expressed by you all resulted in the words, "well done, My faithful servant".
She's likely still cheering you on :) hebrews 12:1.
the first time i walked into a kingdom hall, i was about 15 years old.
i shook hands with a 12-year-old named quincy.
as time passed and we grew older, quincy hung out with us older j-dubs.
I'm sorry for your loss, Terry. Quentin was a good person. xo
about two years ago i was challenged by a householder to do the research on the subject.
of course thinking it was all bunk i decided to take a look off the reservation.
much to my surprise a lot of started to make sense and i started to understand the connections between the old and new testament .
David-Jay said..."Thus the Jehovah's Witnesses and their concept of the connection between the two sets of Scriptures finds no support in Judaism or the oldest and original form of Christianity. To accept Jesus as Messiah and as "the connection between the Testaments" requires reading something new into the Scriptures of the Jews, at least according to Catholicism and Judaism."
So, what does that say about the depth of biblical teaching perpetuated in catholicism and judaism? Luke 6:46-49
yet...john 5:37
love michelle
hi simon,.
i was just wondering if you have ever considered making an app for this forum.
i would be on here all the time if i could use it on my iphone!
I'm logged in all the time. Did you save it to your home screen while you were logged in?
hi simon,.
i was just wondering if you have ever considered making an app for this forum.
i would be on here all the time if i could use it on my iphone!
you can add a clickable icon to your home screen to save a few keystrokes and the site doesn't have to stay open on your browser. Just type in the site address in your browser and when the page comes up, swipe down until the arrows, bookmark etc shows up at the bottom of the page. Click on the center square with the arrow in it. Choose add to home screen.
hi simon,.
i was just wondering if you have ever considered making an app for this forum.
i would be on here all the time if i could use it on my iphone!
update on mouthy (grace gough)this is graces granddaughter.
i wanted to send an update that today my beautiful grandmother passed away - surrounded by friends and family.
- may 22 1927 - sept 2nd 2016. mouthys_granddaughter.
Rest in peace, Grace.
i've been watching the show all over again, with my kids.
we are in season 6 and there has been at least 3 mentions of jw in the show.. in one episode, mulder and scully get to a house and when they get there they realize the doorbell button has been ripped off.
they look at each other and mulder says "frustrated jehovah's witness?".
Agatha Christie's murder mystery "Hallowe'en Party" also references JW's.
there is a glaring inequity between the 144,000 & the great crowd (gc):.
the gc will experience:.
1. the great tribulation - a gruelling/horrifying time which has never occurred before.. 2. armageddon.. 3. a thousand years of “loving” molding and refinement.. 4. a second armageddon at the end of the thousand years.. the 144,000 will experience none of these things.. isn't it strange that the gc has to prove themself so much but the 144,000 don't???!!!
The bible text says that the GC is taken "out of the tribulation" finding themselves before the throne IN HEAVEN and that the 144,000 are sealed ON EARTH just before cataclysmic events.
since the bible refers to people and places as dry and dead if they don't have "living waters" flowing through them. Then it isn't a stretch to see that the valley of dry bones are people who don't have "living waters" flowing through them.
It's possible that the burial in ezekiel is also a metaphor for baptisim as the baptisim is a physical representation of a spiritual reality. Dying to the old man, burial, and being resurrected to new life in Christ.