I remember going to different halls to WIDEN OUT and meet others adspecially single ones.
I told a sister once and she got a inquisitive,uncertain,pity pot look on her face and said I could not jump from hall to hall looking for a mate,I dont know I think thats kind of you know,DESPERATE.
I said to her but singles here ARE in a desperate state! There are NONE!
I said what the heck is wrong by looking in JEHOVAHS ORGANIZATION for a mate? If you cant find anyone there,eventually you are going to look ELSEWHERE!(The world) Well she didnt say a word.
The GUILT for wanting to find someone you CONNECT with was overwhelming.
Your not allowed to hall hop,that makes you look DESPERATE,ON THE MAKE,ROFL!!!,Your not allowed to use Internet dating,you,ll be mocked and ACCUSED of STUMBLING others.(since when is wanting a mate in the organization stumbling others?????????????) You only have TWO days to meet singles at conventions,so what do you do????Adspecially if your a sister(suppose to wait for the man to make the first move)Are you suppose to walk up to someone,start a conversation and say hey Im single too,want to go for coffee?Get togethers at the hall were ALWAYS full of married couples and families,and one time (oh this had me red)a publication came out on HOW TO MEET OTHERS ON THE CONGREGATION,well it basically said that many singles have shown much conncern at the lack of available mates in certain areas, and they gave some tips(theocratic style) on how to meet others.Their advice just did not work in the REAL WORLD!! lol,and I have seen situations where folks DID meet but because one or both were LABELLED "spiritually weak" they were counceled,the elders interfered and it went no where cause of all the constant interference and stress.(they were both babtized and old enought to marry,about 25)So if your weak or inactive they dont have to marry you right?And,,,they CANT get married in the world,LOL,They COULD go to a JP and get married and keep it non religious but then they would probably be shunned.
If your single in the org expect lots of frustration,heartache and loneliness.
Boy it sure FEELS good to air all this out after lurking for two years!!!LOL Like a burden being lifted(im not one to talk about my problems but keep them to myself)
I dont know whats gotten into me. :)