JoinedPosts by Magick
Cross is a pagan symbol, watchtower is a pagan symbol too
by Noelle inyou all jehovah witnesses that said jesus didn't die on a cross but on a stake your wrong because the romans were pagans and what better way to crucify someone than on a pagan symbol.
i have a fact that you need to listen to as well, the watchtower which you symbolize is a pagan symbol as well.
oh no how can that be you ask, well let me tell you.. in ceremonial magic and some traditions of wicca and neopaganism, the four cardinal points are believed to have spiritual guardians called watchtowers.
Cross is a pagan symbol, watchtower is a pagan symbol too
by Noelle inyou all jehovah witnesses that said jesus didn't die on a cross but on a stake your wrong because the romans were pagans and what better way to crucify someone than on a pagan symbol.
i have a fact that you need to listen to as well, the watchtower which you symbolize is a pagan symbol as well.
oh no how can that be you ask, well let me tell you.. in ceremonial magic and some traditions of wicca and neopaganism, the four cardinal points are believed to have spiritual guardians called watchtowers.
The Tower card denotes abrupt changes in life. The structure upon which you have built your ideals, beliefs, values or pride has become outdated, challenged and consumed by changes in its structure from the foundation on up. The tower you have built around your beliefs has no choice but to fall down, crumbling before your eyes.
The left side of The Tower is dark and forbidding. Lightning splits the ominous night sky as fire consumes the structure. But this collapse has a future to look forward to. There will be a new structure, a new and calmer day, as evidenced by the sun in the right half of the picture.
Changes may be in a belief system, in spirituality, within employment or relationships. However, whatever structure is broken down, there is potential for a new one in its place.
The Tower signifies earthshaking changes in your life. Amid fire and lightning this upheaval of your core should bring new insights into life and bring about a change. Whether this change is good or bad is up to your acceptance of it. A change can be a liberating thing, freeing you from old behaviors and routines; yet a change can also be a frightening thing to deal with, bringing a loss of familiarity and security for a time.
A negative side to this card would be to remain static and not allow a necessary change to take place, becoming trapped in an old outdated system.
Cross is a pagan symbol, watchtower is a pagan symbol too
by Noelle inyou all jehovah witnesses that said jesus didn't die on a cross but on a stake your wrong because the romans were pagans and what better way to crucify someone than on a pagan symbol.
i have a fact that you need to listen to as well, the watchtower which you symbolize is a pagan symbol as well.
oh no how can that be you ask, well let me tell you.. in ceremonial magic and some traditions of wicca and neopaganism, the four cardinal points are believed to have spiritual guardians called watchtowers.
ACHIEVE YOUR "BLISS", spirituality, cosmic consciousness HERE!
by Terry inas civilization has advanced, one after another areas of magic, mysticism, superstition and myth have been blown away by rational investigation, testing, measuring, reasoning and recording data.
the last stand of the "believer" is the miraculous: the as yet unexplained.. this consists of blindly insisting on the unintelligible!
the faithful and discreet slave, for example, knows what you cannot know by yourself.
“A person who only believes in the “tangible” or that which can be tested has put his “intangible” faith in the one doing the testing.” ~magick
If you have ever looked upon a dead body, a person who was once “alive,” vibrant, and full of energy, a unique personality, and see that that part no longer exists, you will “know” there is more to life than what is physical.
The very nature of life and death are mystical. These intangible realities cannot be seen, heard, or felt in the physical sense, but they exist. In life, there exists that which cannot be held in your hand, or measured, or scientifically tested for thier existence; things like belief, friendship, and love.
As humankind continues to evolve, what once was “mystical” has become science. Just because we cannot comprehend something, does not invalidate its existence.
Science is full of incomprehensible “mysteries,” which remain “hidden,” until someone comprehends. Mysticism holds its place, not among superstition, myth and Jehovah’s Witnesses, but at the far extreme of mental states. The evolution of science depends on the minds of great visionaries, or “mystics.” Man needs spiritualism, just as man needs the spirit or energy of life. It takes spiritualism to develop scientifically, or science would be a dead corpse.
Mystic knowledge is what science has labeled “insight,” it is knowledge that seemingly comes from no where, a momentary flash of inspiration, creativity or understanding. This “insight” is not based on trial-and-error, or scientific testing, it springs forth from the unconscious to the conscious.
Instead of dismissing “mystical” ideas as metaparticles, cymatics, the human genome, remote viewing, the Fibonacci sequence or even crop circles, science has embraced these mysteries as stepping stones towards the higher science, truth.
Is the Watchtower finally changing for the better?
by Dead Man Joaquin ini'm having a hard time figuring things out here.
the last few years it's become increasingly cultish - i.e.
the public & kool-aid editions, the infamous november(?
i don't know if anyone has said this... but, i feel like instead of "new light" they've just gone to "watchtower light," same shitty taste, just fewer controversial topics. after looking at their "GENERIC" website...and hearing about the "shorter" meetings, sounds like they're serving up tiny little glasses of "light" religion. ...all of us who left before the "new watchtower" formula went on the market, are left feeling sick to our stomachs, hung over from the putrid, thick, sludge we were forced to gulp down. watch out new people..."new and improved" doesn't mean "better." Remember Olestra? that fake fat, they put in potato chips? it caused abdominal cramping, loose stools and diarrhea. The Watchtower, bet you can't read just one! yum!
"If you didn't come to party
Don't bother knockin' on my door" -
Were U Depressed Because U Were A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus inpeople get depressed for various reasons.
but do you know of people that actually suffered from depression mainly because they were witnesses?.
i know of more than a few witnesses that were always discouraged and feeling down.
depressed? naahh...carrying around 100 lbs of guilt everyday was certainly a blessing from Jehovah!
How long must you suffer?
by Magick in...for being involved with jehovah's witnesses?
2 years?.
5 years?.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
How long must you suffer?
by Magick in...for being involved with jehovah's witnesses?
2 years?.
5 years?.
...for being involved with Jehovah's Witnesses?
2 years?
5 years?
10 years?
When will the suffering end?
The suffering ends when you forgive yourself for being misled, when you can think for yourself, when you can love yourself, when you look for the good in all things, when you finally can laugh at all the pain.
The suffering ends, when you can forgive others who are misled, when you help others think for themselves, when you can love people aside from their beliefs, when you look for good in others.
When you focus on the pain, the pain remains with you. Instead of holding out your hand to be healed, heal others and you will find happiness.
Open up your heart and your arms to do something good for someone else. Every time you think of someone else's needs, your heart heals.
Everyday, remind yourself how wonderful being alive is. Take a walk, when you present, listen to the wind through the trees, hear the dogs bark and the birds sing, smell the new grass, take in the colors of nature, feel the sunshine. This is life.
Build up and you will be built up, tear down and you will continue to suffer.
Show love everyday, even if it means watering a plant, or caring for your yard, or eating something healthy, or petting your dog or cat...every act of love heals your heart.
These are simple things, that I am just now learning. Yes, I suffered more than 10 years. But, I choose now...not to suffer any more.
I will take charge of my life now, and by simple acts of living, breathing, forgiving, loving, sharing, caring, helping...I will be built up.
This is the wisdom I have found.
"nothing is static, everything is evolving, everything is falling apart"
It is time to evolve.
Surround yourselves with others who are evolving.
Here are some good words to live by:
As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.
Each one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.
Each one prays to God according to his own light.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress.
I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.
I look only to the good qualities of men. Not being faultless myself, I won't presume to probe into the faults of others.
If I had no sense of humor, I would long ago have committed suicide.
In a gentle way, you can shake the world.
Nobody can hurt me without my permission.
One's own religion is after all a matter between oneself and one's Maker and no one else's.
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.
Those who know how to think need no teachers.
Where there is love there is life.
You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
Mohandas Gandhi
Are You a Watchtower Weenie?
by Farkel indo you raise your hand at every question in the wt study?.
do you say "amen" to prayers that are total bullshit?.
do you call someone you would rather kill, "brother?".