Hi Minimus,
I was quite depressed when I was a dub -
Why do people get depressed? Sometimes it's genetic - sometimes it's because your life sucks, and it's your minds way of saying that something is wrong. I was the latter, and it took me quite a few years to figure it out. The doctors had me just medicated, with no therapy. When I started therapy a few years after leaving the dubs, I tried to get off them. After having one hell of a time with the withdrawals, I found that I was actually happier off the meds than on them.
Speaking for myself, I was depressed because of religion; not a chemical imbalance.
All of my old friends that I know of - ALL are on anti-depressants now that are still dubs. Absolutely pathetic. Anti-depressants are way overprescribed, IMO. Certainley it was in my case.