its strange. thats what they did to me. the first thing i noticed was how they forbad me to get married for their single requirements when i was young. the bombardment my sick friends injured in hospitals with ill health of their single preaching routines. they literally refused physically to let me move, like a tied up animal, and the worst thing was i wasnt arguing with them. they just refused to let us live or love. i dont know what happened to you, im not an apostate, they threw me out, without any concept of reality. smashed girlfriends, business endeavours, homes, to get their jw blessings, what god had given them that they could take to humiliate me for their religion. where did the bible say any of these things please, where does it speak of jw omnipotence, or bully boy david routines. where does it speak of threats intimadation wandering in the wilderness with moses, or the refusal to answer back or else we'll basically kill you. i needed police ambulances hospitals, they even saw the nead dead body only to come back and do it again ten times worse.
how can elders basically getting mouthy with me to cover up their wrongdoing be scriptural, raising their voices carrying out their eli style routines, claiming to be gods servants while they are doing it. how ?
how can they be gods servants if they dont do what he says , and although it may not be mine to remove them no im not sitting there and letting them do what they want to me or anything or anyone around me. in the past those people were rejected, how come now they are allowed to preach , teach, get involved, etc, all the time keeping dogs for preaching alone, calling it righteous.
i thought the christians always lived in the countries around them after judea went down not in the wilderness with moses. as far as i knew if you live in the wilderness you die in it, it was a punishment routine. like adam if he was obedient he lived in the garden , punishment was outside in the rocks.why does god want to kill me to cover up his peoples attacks ? , blaming and making me pay yet again for their pleasure.
i didnt do anything, neither did my friends, they just used abused, took and did whatever they wanted and did it deliberately to humiliate, tread on, and basically kill as far as i can see. continually involving me in disputes that are and were not mine, but there was nothing i could do once they started it, i couldnt just stand there while they did it too me. the viciousness i experienced at the hands of gods servants had to be beleived. to me it was devil worship i might as well been at the baal with cozbi and balaam , can somebody tell me what i was doing there, what it has got to do with me plz?
i understand what the hell was that all about why ? i never even agreed to do it, threats , injuries, near death stuff, financial losses, over and over and over again , are they insane, then after forbidding me the girl 3 times in 5 yrs, next thing child abuse reports, cop shop, state etc, all i see is blokes in suits and ties calling themselves gods servants cause they wear, isnt that adhering to the circumcision
i was finally dumped after the pervos placing me under sex arrest, while they sleep around and bless them, running round my genitals day in day out yr in yr out wether i can get married. we saw and heard demons, saw the way they work, even when we told them some of them just said it was a rat ?????????????????? can somebody explain that. now cop shop again more injuries physically and emotionally more trouble more pain all in the name of god to bless jws it seems, well im sorry but he told me to do otherwise its written down in that little book the bible, i thought we kept that not a mouthy jw regardless of who they are. for that my persecution, my reproach, my life it seems all in the name of god, why because i wouldnt buy a babylon party card ?
primarily their catholic single requiremnets ?
let alone being at sea, i was thrown out with nothing for some reason. so i dont know what happened to you but yeah tell me about it.