Understood. Was I mistaken then to think that monotheism was in full swing among the returnees to Judah post exhile?
Is the statement at Nehemia 9:6 to be understood as a developing stage between monotheism and henotheism?
the old testament yhwh was a simple solo god almighty.
in the new testament the nature of god becomes quite confusing based on some expressions of jesus and the nt writers.
from a higher critic point of view, why did the nt writers introduce such confusion?.
Understood. Was I mistaken then to think that monotheism was in full swing among the returnees to Judah post exhile?
Is the statement at Nehemia 9:6 to be understood as a developing stage between monotheism and henotheism?
the old testament yhwh was a simple solo god almighty.
in the new testament the nature of god becomes quite confusing based on some expressions of jesus and the nt writers.
from a higher critic point of view, why did the nt writers introduce such confusion?.
Hi LT,
Are we just talking about OT texts that were somehow used by later christians? That would be interesting to see.
If we're talking about the OT in general, then Ezra and Nehemiah may do so to some extent. Although they may more precisely be said to be stressing exclusive worship to Yahweh.
ok, i was reading this chapter today in my back garden and was astounded at what i had just read.
every year as long as i have been a witness vs 28 is mentioned that a man should examine himself under scutiny before eating the bread and drinking the wine.
obviously implying that only the anointed are to partake of the emblems etc.
The Amplified Bible for the same verses also emphasizes eating / partaking respectfully, even so, I agree with the logic of the Witnesses concerning the Two Hopes.
Whoever was writing in Paul's name, apparently thought otherwise according to the following renditions:
There is but one body and but one Spirit, as also when you were called you had one and the same hope held out to you. Ephesians 4:4 --- Weymouth NT
There is one body and one Spirit, even as you have been marked out by God in the one hope of his purpose for you Ephesians 4:4 --- Basic English Bible
hi fellow apostate brothers and sisters, .
as some of you know i plan to return to school to obtain a ph.d in psychology.
ill have to start from the basics.
To get into, say, Concordia, a Quebec student has to have their CEGEP (which is what I believe Genesis was referring to when he mentioned 2 years to get his "college" diploma).
Don't let the period of time put you off. I know that here in Ontario alot of Masters programmes will pay the student a certain stipend in exchange for teaching assistant duties. Not the greatest but at least you can totally focus on your studies then and do related work. I don't see why there wouldn't be the same thing in Quebec. For the BA: like Damselfly said.
I wasted 7 years of my life after getting my BSc at options that I thought were quick (like getting my teaching certificate). I find myself older (much older than you) and still not doing something I really love. So: Go for it.
the watchtower society is notorious for discouraging the brethren from performing acts of kindness and charity towards people of the world, claiming in their literature it is a waste of time or worse the funds may be absconded.
(see awake of this year "what is happening to charity?
today was 109 degrees in our town.
I agree with you on everything. There are some wonderful caring people here on JWD (and thanks for the nice comment about my sister). Its just so sad to think about all the missed opportunities jws have to really make a difference in other people's lives or to bring about that kinder and gentler society they dream about.
the watchtower society is notorious for discouraging the brethren from performing acts of kindness and charity towards people of the world, claiming in their literature it is a waste of time or worse the funds may be absconded.
(see awake of this year "what is happening to charity?
today was 109 degrees in our town.
Okay, I'm one of those cold hearted pricks you'd generally find at the KH. But my sister who's been pioneering for quite some time (and I fear will never leave the jws no matter what I've tried to show her) is actually very charitable. She makes a decent (for her low income bracket anyway) monthly contribution to Sick Kid's. Lately she's been buying alot of food for this one immigrant jw and her three little children. So not all dubs are callous.
i remember when i heard that the rock band name kiss stood for knights in satan's service.
heard that from the brothers.
there were probably more, but that one stands out.
At least a couple of Arabs told me that when you read the mirror image of the cursive scripted "Coca Cola" the lettering strongly resembles the Arabic for "No Muhammed, No Mecca".
if an atheist leads good life with high moral standards, because he choice to do so and thinks for logic it is a good thing, does it not mean much more then when a theist does the same, because his gods tells him to do it?
what's your thoughs on this?
I've been reading a fascinating book called Can We Be Good Without God? by Dr. Robert Buckman, that examines how behaviour, belonging and the innate need of humans to believe in "something" is wired into our brain circuitry. There's some really interesting stuff about how the brain can be stimulated during surgery and using EEG waves to elicit what people describe as "spiritual experiences".
"and this is your brain on God"
(I'll fess up. I didn't come up with that.)
But along with that: Dr. Michael Persinger from Laurentian University has also done alot of work with em fields and how they can induce religious and other paranormal experiences (eg. feeling invisible presences). Definitely fascinating stuff to look into.
On the question:
I'd consider the atheist "nobler" because they're in a position of authority (self autonomy) but are not abusing it (rather they're channeling their power for the greater good). I think that those kinds of atheists can offer more hope for humanity and the planet vs believers who let their ethics and morals be shaped by dubious religious authorities.
as a teenager, what was your favorite band?
this band can be a local, main stream etc..... my favorite local band was little blue crunchy things, they were from milwaukee, wi.
(even hung out with them)!
Oh wow I forgot about Steve Vai...one of the better guitarists when I was a teen....Weird music like Alien Water Kiss but fun...like that song where Steve is a little kid in class and plays a song for the class and the teacher repeatedly tells him to stop....ahhh memories....
having cooled down a bit in the garden i got to thinking about what this board has given me and wondered what anyone else feels they have gained from it.. for me its been invaluable and even life changing:.
1) freedom from the brainwashing - when i came here i had already read ray franz's books and still believed it jws had the truth - hat i was basically worthless and that i would die at armageddon.
the reasoned conversations and help of the posters from all over the world has enabled me to have freedom of thought - something i didnt even know i didnt have until i spent time here.. 2) friends who empathise and know from an experience what i have been through in a way outsiders can never possiby understand.. 3) entertainment - unbelievable laughs and moments of humour that have cheered me up so many times.. 4) association - via the aposta bbqs and telephone chats i can now have so i don't feel so isolated and to some extent alleviates the awful pain of separation from my loved family.. 5) information - from this board and posters here i have found out things that were my right to know but would never have learnt otherwise - my sisters marriage, my aunts tragic death.. 6) reunions - i have now met at least one person who knows me from my childhood and has grown into a man of such kindness and patience that i would have missed out on completely had he not been here and been kind enough to hold my hand - even when i've been an irritating totured little idiot!.
The wonderful gift of feeling accepted and not being a complete outsider. The loneliness before I found JWD took an awful toll on me. I can express what I really think and feel and share frustrations that no-one else would understand except other x-jws.
I've had more than a few posters help me feel better about myself during some low points.
I've been reminded in many different ways, by the caring I've seen here, that humanity isn't as wicked as we've been conditioned to believe. I'm a tad less jaded and cynical because of it.
I'm very thankful of all those who foster growth and hope in several ways: from the intelligent and respectful debaters who empower us with knowledge and model for us important critical thinking skills to the thoughtful believers who are living a message that actually helps others.