Hi IPSec Edit: Blasted dialup quirks! I've been alright IPSec. How are you? I like your optimistic view of the future. I don't want to be a pessimist but....I'll be one anyway with my next post.
JoinedPosts by Midget-Sasquatch
by Dansk ini'm currently reading richard dawkin's book the ancestor's tale and it suddenly struck me that evolutionists believe all men are equal seeing that we all came from a common ancestor.
that being the case, would it not serve man to believe in evolution?.
turn on the t.v.
by Dansk ini'm currently reading richard dawkin's book the ancestor's tale and it suddenly struck me that evolutionists believe all men are equal seeing that we all came from a common ancestor.
that being the case, would it not serve man to believe in evolution?.
turn on the t.v.
Hi Dansk,
I agree that religion plays a large part in world conflicts. But I also think that if it were removed completely our species would still demonstrate tribalism. Things could still end up as nasty as they are now, because in evolution, competition is key.
Thirdwitness -- An Agent of the Governing Body?
by AlanF inthirdwitness -- an agent of the governing body?
this evening i was talking with an old friend about recent postings on this forum by jw defenders.
we concluded that something unusual is going on.
I'd peg Thirdwitness as a Borg higher-up wannabe.
Many people have superbly mimicked the writing style of the magazines. I think he could too, without having to be a bethelite. His zealotry and repeated appeals to the Borg's authority would make him an ideal elder. I think he's only an elder aiming for more. At the very least he's using apostates to "tweak" his propoganda and provide Mommy some "tested" material to be incorporated in the publications. He'd score brownie points that way.
by DannyHaszard inproperty tax not discriminatory, b.c judge rules
1 hr ago | globe and mail
supreme court judge has ruled that the city of
You just know the WT$ is going to take this federally. Hopefully they'll lose there too. I wonder what ever happened to the taxes they were supposed to pay in France?
P.S. Lady --- over at the halls I was at, we always had to take the garbage home with us.
NEWS ALERT! : The End of The World will be on August 22
by Ms. Whip inthe president of iran will give bush an answer about their nuclear program in two weeks.
august 22nd.
august 22nd is an important day in islam.
I doubt that there'll be any devastating nuclear attack because they simply haven't enough enriched uranium for it.
electric cars
by peacefulpete inhey all you tree huggers, .
anyone by chance ever work on similar old ev?
i'm wanting to upgrade its performance while i'm at it.
That looks like a cool project. I was once toying with the idea of making a dead FIAT cinque cento all electric but it was over my head and beyond my funds, so I dropped it. I wish you though alot of fun during and after the restore.
thirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars: Let's discuss the Hillah Stele
by AuldSoul inthirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars, .
firstly, i offer this disclaimer: i am not a scholar.
but i can add and subtract.
All the things you said above are basically a repeat of what you have already stated. One point you make worth noting is that the medes destroyed the temple in Harran. I have never denied that. It is just a question of when it was destroyed. They most certainly could have returned at a later day because they were often in the area fighting in the southeast part of what is now known as Turkey which is in the general area of Harran.
Do you have any stele, diaries or other contemporary inscriptions that show Elhulhul was destroyed during Nebuchadnezzar's reign (your speculation)? All the texts covered in this thread point to one devastating attack on Harran by the Medes. No mention of repeated attacks. Aren't you then begging for extra events without any grounds?
thirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars: Let's discuss the Hillah Stele
by AuldSoul inthirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars, .
firstly, i offer this disclaimer: i am not a scholar.
but i can add and subtract.
Since it has been shown that there was indeed a WT publication discussing the aforementioned inscription I will throw the last question you posed right back at you.
I think you should be more gracious here. Not only because you yourself didn't provide any reference, but more importantly the WT CD and the specific article failed to mention the artifact by name (why?). How can anyone easily find the reference? I knew what I was looking for and had to read through a few articles other articles to find it.That article didn't provide any substantial counterpoints to AuldSoul's argument anyways. Lets consider pertinent information.
It remains, the 16th regnal year of Nabopolassar was 54 years prior to 555 BC (i.e. 609 BC). It remains, 609 BC to 539 BC is 71 years. It remains, the secular Neo-Babylonian chronology accounts for every one of these years perfectly. It remains, Nabopolassar's 18th regnal year was 607 BC. It remains, 607 BC can be absolutely excluded as a possible year for the destruction of Solomon's Temple on the weight of this evidence.
Any counterpoints?
Evolution Question
by LtCmd.Lore ini have a scientific question that has to do with evolution that i've ment to ask, due to the recent awake:.
if two dwarfs mate and have a child, will the child be a dwarf?
what about two people with six fingers on each hand?
A question close to my heart (me bein' only 5' 2").
Height is a multi-allele trait, but like many phenotypic traits it follows a bell curve distribution. So what Leolaia was saying about the range of heights found within our species is true. With the lucky Nordic gods at the higher end, and the pygmies, and yours truly , finding ourselves on the shorter end.
Pygmies and many of us shorter statured people have skeletal structures that aren't all that disproportionate in comparison to the average sized adult. Phenotypes we recognize as dwarfs though have disproportionate skeletal structures and thats where some unusual alleles are coming into play.
There are different types of dwarfism, so I don't know which one PeacefulPete had in mind when he gave some of the probabilities of dwarf offspring. If we take achondroplasia (a very prevalent form), the dwarfs would be heterozygous for the trait - one allele is "normal" and the other one (in this case dominant) confers dwarfism. Being homozygous - two copies of the dominant allele would be lethal. Crossing the two dwarfs: we'd expect 50% of the zygotes to be heterozygous (dwarfs), about 25% would not have any copy of the dominant allele (normal height) and 25% zygotes homozygous. So if we only consider the offspring that continue to live, the proportions would better resemble 2/3 dwarfs and 1/3 normal height.
thirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars: Let's discuss the Hillah Stele
by AuldSoul inthirdwitness and other pseudo-scholars, .
firstly, i offer this disclaimer: i am not a scholar.
but i can add and subtract.
Oh dear - does this mean no 607 and so no 1914 and so no FDS ?
Egads! Say it isn't so! Excellent critique/analysis of the WT's claims AuldSoul.