I'm currently reading Richard Dawkin's book The Ancestor's Tale and it suddenly struck me that evolutionists believe all men are equal seeing that we all came from a common ancestor. That being the case, would it not serve man to believe in evolution?
Turn on the T.V. at the moment and all one sees is footage of conflicts around the world, notably in the Lebanon. The war has its roots in religion (as do many/most wars) as the Israeli's are primarily Jewish and the Arabs are primarily Muslim - and yet if we remove their religious tags we find that they are ALL Semites! Therefore, if we get rid of all religion and accept that we are all equal - the evolutionist model (I know, religion supposedly infers that all men are equal but evolution contends that we definitely are, i.e. we are all the same species!) - would it not be better for us all to believe in evolution? What do you think?