Even some of those who have previously tried to discredit Jehovah's Witnesses by saying 607BCE is the incorrect date of Jerusalem's desolation are now forced to admit that it may indeed be the correct date because they have no clear answer for the Biblical evidence presented in favor of 607 and against 587. In light of this, not wanting to admit that Jehovah's Witnesses indeed have the truth, they now have resorted to this view: 'So what. It doesn't matter if it was 607 or 587! This proves nothing about 1914.
RReeeeeaaaaalllllly?I don't believe you. I'll openly admit I'm mistaken though if you can give me names and quotes of these supposed posters who "previously tried to discredit" 607 but are "now forced to admit" it can be right.
You still haven't convincingly shown that the dream in Daniel was explicitly talking about anything else besides the single application it explained in its own text (i.e.applying to Nebuchadnezzar). That whole line about all Daniel's prophecies of World Powers etc. all pointing to the coming Kingdom of God doesn't necessarily mean that the dream vision had to point to the establishment of the Kingdom. At the end of the 7 years, Neb (who was rather lowly now eating grass wouldn't you say?) admitted that the Most High could do whatever he wanted. You don't have to call on a further fulfillment. I also think you're making too much of "time" versus "year" in this case. The book's author is trying to come off as a prophet so why couldn't he use "times" instead of the more mundane "year" to better fit the part?
As well, in line with the point made by another poster who brought up the question of the 2300 days being 2300 years then:
The book of Revelation clearly shows that 3 and a half times equals 1260 days. Therefore 7 times equals 2520. We can't argue with that. We can't say, oh no , there are 365 days in a year. That doesn't matter. The Bible shows what 7 times equals. We can't change it. 7 times =2520 days. If it is a day for a year then 7 times is equal to 2520 years. You only have 2 choices. Either seven times = seven years. Or seven times = 2520 years. (based on a day for a year) It can't be 7 X 365 or 70 years or 7 months or 7 days unless we are going to totally disregard the Bible's explanation of times in Revelation.
Why doesn't the Society choose to interpret those periods of time in Revelation in exactly the same way, but instead it reckons them as actual days from whatever convention to whatever convention?