The fossil record for hominids is quite good now and the gaps are being filled. Its difficult to classify certain hominid finds as either Homo erectus or archaic man because of their being so intermediate in features. This strongly points to moderns as being descendants of the pre-sapien hominids, by simple evolutionary pressures. I don't think there's any need to postulate an ET influence. Unless someone can point to something specific in our genomes that suggests otherwise.
JoinedPosts by Midget-Sasquatch
What if aliens are the reason we are here, and why the bible is?
by free2beme inokay, i have a very imaginative mind.
i have always loved the series star trek, until it went belly up in over kill.
i always loved the thoughts it brought up, with what would happen if an alien species encountered a less advance or primitive species.
I hate it when they make me cry!!
by Scully ini thought i was pretty much immune to any jws being able to tug at my heartstrings anymore.. mr scully and i were out shopping this morning, when someone called my name and then grabbed me and gave me a big hug.
i hadn't seen her in over 15 years.
back then, she was a teenager and i was about 10 years older than her... but we hit it off really well and mr scully and i became really good friends with her and her parents.
Don't feel bad about crying. You were able to form some great ties and memories in the past - something a number of people never genuinely get to experience - losing those hurts. You're being able to still value them means you're definitely not marred with the dub black and white view of the world. Maybe some day a few of those old friends will be able to do the same.
Wisdom and folly
by Narkissos ini've been thinking about this topic for some time.. wisdom and folly.
sages and prophets in the bible texts and the wider ancient near eastern world.
apollo and dionysos in greek tradition.
I'll chime in as one of those who grew up in the jws.
I agree that they stressed reasoning one's way to truths. For their less controversial doctrines, the structure of their argumentation, the layout of their lines of reasoning, weren't all that bad in form. When they simply couldn't defend their positions, is where we often saw the pleading, the twisting or streching of facts. But along with that surface "reasonableness", they only had people think that way on things up to a point, and with blatant suppression of damaging information. With faulty data and presuppositions one would think they're being rational, are acting that way as best they could, but still be completely off.
I have aways been uninclined in believing the supernatural, yet I have this unexplainable fascination with it. The way jws seem to demonize the ecstatic left me thinking that their way of interacting with God was rather distant. They talked a storm about drawing closer to Jehovah, always talking to him and praying, but it never really was a relationship I could feel. It seemed that others had this...I couldn't see it, and believe me I try to be open minded. I think that once a jw realizes there's no real relationship with the divine, only service to a company, they'll try to find experiential faiths. Mysticism intrigues me because it purportedly gives the kind of direct interaction I would love to have. But it appears that most of those experiences are owing to quirky neurochemical reactions, a sort of "insanity", with very prosaic causes.
Just call me cynical, but the WTS, IMHO, is adverse to any ecstatic element, or uncontrollable feelings of attachment to the divine for the very same reason that proto-orthodox christianity was against the montanists. They would lose their status as sole channel to God and then power would shift to the individual.
Being asked for a ride to work:What do you think I should do?
by Midget-Sasquatch ini've only started into my second week at this new job.
its in another city, but i live in the end of town thats closest to that other city.
from my drive way to the job is less than 25 km.
Wow, thanks for even more great advice guys. I really appreciate all you given me like the experiences, the words of caution (I agree you can't be too trusting nowadays), the humour, and even those two free psych consults. A backbone is now on my xmas list. :)
I'll tell you all how it went today. I figured the sooner the awkard possibility of pissing him off and alienating myself from the rest of the team, the better. I explained to him how its just too out of my way and how it wouldn't even be feasible the times when I need to give my mom a ride to her work. Happens about 8-10 times in a month. We'd be canned in no time that way. Then, I just came out and said I've looked at the city's bus routes and if you can take the number __ bus and be at this drop off by this time, I'd gladly give you a ride. He may have to wait a little on the days I drive my mom but its got an avondale and a lunchbox/coffee shop right by it. He agreed fairly quickly. I think he's just the kind of person who'll try to get as much as they can but will take whatever they can get without any real strong emotions one way or the other.
Overall, I'm very happy with how things went today between me and Shane. Thanks again to everyone.
Being asked for a ride to work:What do you think I should do?
by Midget-Sasquatch ini've only started into my second week at this new job.
its in another city, but i live in the end of town thats closest to that other city.
from my drive way to the job is less than 25 km.
I really appreciate all the input everyone. All of us were asked if we had transportation. He doesn't strike me as a bad guy. He's as shy as me, and doesn't talk much. I wouldn't mind having him in the car. Its just all the added time eaten up in the morning. (I've got a few other things I do in the morning too that aren't his business).
If our training was for just another week or so then I wouldn't have been all that reluctant either. But without telling you what the job is, its still another 4 weeks of training and then we're "live" (working but with alot of assistance) for two weeks. After that our team is broken up and we're mixed into the company's overall scheduling (the different shifts).
So, I'll take the consensus advice. Talk straight with him. Let him know my side of things and how it'll add more to my morning plate than I'm ready to take on . If he can get to the nearest or even second nearest bus stop in my area (which are really close to me too), I'd gladly bring him aboard.
Thanks again to everyone. I just wanted to touch base with how socially well adjusted people would handle this.
Hey Arthur,
I'd think a variant of your suggestion would be fun and it would kill two birds with one stone. I could constantly preach to him in the car (he'd be dying to find an alternative ride ) and then count the time for service so that I wouldn't be inactive.
Being asked for a ride to work:What do you think I should do?
by Midget-Sasquatch ini've only started into my second week at this new job.
its in another city, but i live in the end of town thats closest to that other city.
from my drive way to the job is less than 25 km.
I've only started into my second week at this new job. Its in another city, but I live in the end of town thats closest to that other city. From my drive way to the job is less than 25 km. Also I'm not even 2 minutes from the highway entrance ramp, which makes for a sweet hassle free beginning to the commute.
Today, one of my fellow trainees asked me if I could start picking him up on Monday. His ride was in training before us, finishes this Friday and starts the crazy shifts next week. He says he'll pay me gas money but that isn't what I'm bummed about. I asked him where he lived and its on the very opposite end of town. I'm not kidding when I'm saying that it'll make the whole trip about 2.5x to 3x longer for me (time-wise). Not to mention the additional headaches I'll get with dealing with the city traffic which I was happily avoiding. I told him that was quite a ways from where I lived, hoping that he'd at least offer to be picked up by me somewhere a little closer. I mean he'll be comfy cozy waiting at home while i'll have to be getting out much earlier to do him a favour. He said yah you'd have to start out earlier and left it at that. Nothing else.
Am I being unreasonable in thinking he should at least make the effort himself to get up earlier and take the city bus to meet me somewhere closer to me? I can pick him up and drop him off from a couple good stops nearer to me. That way when winter times comes I don't have to start at 5 in the morning to scrape the ice off of all my windows and the windshield, as well as shovelling out the driveway, then trekking across town twice then commuting to work. I wouldn't even ask him for gas money then. Its the added hassles. I mean I don't want to start off having everyone at the job think I'm some kind of prick over this. Am I being a prick? A bit too lazy? Is it wrong for me to ask him to make some effort in getting to me (we have decent bus transport in the city)? Again if he's much closer I'd give him a ride for free.
What do you think I should do?
Goodbye all.
by peacefulpete ini'm moving on.
i want to express my gratitude to members here who have steered me right when my own compass was stuck.
i know i didn't put much effort into becoming friends with many of you and i'm sure that i'm the loser for it.
A new job is exactly why I had much less time to pop over here and am responding so late. But at least I caught this thread because of all the posters.
I'll definitely feel the lack of your presence here, but I hope that I'll manage to catch any future shout-outs or updates. Till then, I wish you the best....godspeed lad. ;)
Agnostic or Athiest--which makes more sense?
by whyizit ini can see how someone could be agnostic in their view.
who knows, who cares?
thinking that perhaps "god" is just a spiritual santa claus for people who are afraid of death, etc..... but atheism?
Would anyone have believed in radio waves 200 years before Marconi? Rationally, according to what was knowable at the time, the answer would have been no. Yet neutron stars have been emitting them for millions of years. They weren't even known until astronomers began scanning the sky for radio signals.
So much of what we've learned about external reality depends on a combination of imagination to try to extend the boundaries of the known (like LittleToe mentioned), as well as technological innovations that make it possible. If God is spiritual (non-material) then we simply cannot use our current technology. There's no way of gaining any knowledge about the spiritual and God for now. But that doesn't necessarily mean that because we don't have the equipment to reach out to God that there isn't a God that could reach out to us in some way. Now I know there's a heck of alot of questions that argue for the absence of God, but I think there's some rational reason to keep the possibility there.
So I'd say that agnosticism makes a bit more sense than atheism - although the latter group may very well be correct. :)
Big Announcement?
by Lo-ru-hamah ini know a little while back we were all waiting to hear what the "big announcement" was.
has it already been announced or are we still waiting?
sorry if this has already been done and i am just really behind time.. loruhamah.
Well, I doubted that a new printing of the Revelation Climax with the 70 or so revisions was already available and I found out I was wrong only after the whole congregation got personal copies of it.
So while I personally think there isn't anything to this, my "sources" have not been all that forthcoming with me on a few items now ...looks like they can keep a secret ...I'll have to wait and see.
Back Cover of Nov15, WT: Did Judah Remain Desolate?
by Midget-Sasquatch ini quickly read it all and thought.
again they use a poorlyreferenced quote and they leave out who knows what.
i wouldn't be surprised to find that the actual bar article they used disagreed with their "history.".
I'm also very grateful to Leo for all that research. With the speed and amount done I just know you don't work for the government!
True believing dubs should seriously consider what this demonstrates about their teacher. Either their dishonesty or ineptness. See - I can give "Mommy" the benefit of the doubt.
VMM - Thanks for OCRing the text for me. Last time I posted scans (of KN 37) someone ratted on me about copyright and they were quickly removed from the image hosting site.