I've lost almost all interest in the matter now that I've read a bit more about the DNA evidence. Like Greendawn wrote, all that can be said is that one "Mary" and one "Jesus" were not related. Sure its plausible they were a couple and plausible Judah was their offspring but its unconfirmed. Really not the kind of DNA evidence I would have thought they collected to make their claim. I'm also let down by how they link the James Ossuary to those at Talpiot. They found the patina to be a match (well okay thats interesting) but there was no DNA evidence from it to establish or refute blood ties. So in the end we're left off with the same uncertainty as before. I'm sure the Mythical Jesus camp is finding this all rather diverting. I kinda find it fun myself, although I personally lean towards a historical Jesus of Nazareth
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Jesus' Tomb... Has it been found?
by Elsewhere init's a long shot to prove such a thing... i'm curious how this will pan out.. .
february 23, 2007 6:55 jesus: tales from the cryptbrace yourself.
The DNA testing should be able to demonstrate which individuals were the children of which adults....I'd venture they were able to show that the individuals named Jesus and Mary were the biological parents of some other individuals. Jesus, Mary, and Judah were such common names though that I'm not really impressed.
Now if this show also has info wherein the DNA in the James Ossuary was also tested and found to have kinship with the ossuaries at Talpiyot, that would be very interesting. Assuming that ossuary actually contained the remains of James the Just.
What is your favorite Mythical creature ?
by 5go inmine is the japanese kitsune.
the fox spirits humbler of haughty samurai and foiler of crooked bussiness men.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/kitsune.
I'm sorta partial to the Manticore from around Asia. They're even said to travel in prides.
Jesus' Tomb... Has it been found?
by Elsewhere init's a long shot to prove such a thing... i'm curious how this will pan out.. .
february 23, 2007 6:55 jesus: tales from the cryptbrace yourself.
I wonder if the "evidence" they'll present will make me tune out right away or at least make for some entertainment. I mean it has got to be better than the one where the Knight's Templars actually buried Jesus somewhere in France.
I wonder if Cameron and Jacobovici were heavily influenced by James Tabor's ideas, and if he in turn, met with them on that DNA data. I remember Tabor speculating about the James Ossuary possibly first being with those others at Talpiyot. He didn't have the DNA evidence to confirm kinship though at the time.
Tabor can present his ideas in an interesting manner that comes off sounding plausible at least, but in the end I think we're still only left with speculation at best. If that Cameron and Jacobovici documentary doesn't mention Tabor, I wonder what angle they'll pursue.
Survey on science, astrology, aliens & article
by Madame Quixote inhttp://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/us-beliefs-in-pseudoscience-worry/20070217212109990001?ncid=nws00010000000001
After my experience I am very optimistic that there are greater things awaiting our discovery.
You do make a very valid point about how technology, that what may seem impossible today can be routine tomorrow. Sure aliens are possible. Believe me, as a child that voraciously read all the books on UFOs, Nessie etc., I would love to have confirmation of ET visitations.
But then, humans making remarkable advances and finding keen ways of using them is a repeated certainty. So I'd have to go with my head and say that experimental craft is the most likely explanation in many sightings. I want room temperature superconductors!
Vote for the "most obscure one" on JWD :)
by onacruse innow, this is just for the fun of having a little "roast", eh?
narkissos said:.
Okay many of the people already named, I wouldn't consider obscure. Sure it may take me a couple thousand dictionary searches, and re-reading their material to really integrate whats being conveyed. But then thats an issue with me trying to grasp the concepts. By putting in some effort, I find that posters like Leolaia, Narkissos, and Ross are quite clear.
I'm also voting for A Paduan . From what he posts sometimes you'd think he was a christianized sensei on ergot. <---------I said that in jest if you're reading this A Paduan.
Survey on science, astrology, aliens & article
by Madame Quixote inhttp://news.aol.com/topnews/articles/_a/us-beliefs-in-pseudoscience-worry/20070217212109990001?ncid=nws00010000000001
Because all of these plausible explanations seemed unlikely - the idea of an extradimenional/extraterrestial cause moves up the list of possibilities.
But like Terry already mentioned, maybe the list of plausible explanations is too narrow, excluding the actual one....For example:
So what was it. You can't say conclusively. But, I know what 12 people witnessed that night. I know what I witnessed. I feel comfortable with an extra-dimensional/extraterrestial explanation. Does this mean that there certainly was such a cause? No! But it is more plausible than the conspiritorial explanations of "dark government projects". I tend to think more in the direction of an extradimenional source because the idea of traveling long distances from another galaxy seem highly unlikely.
Occam's Razor. We know that money has been funnelled to highly secret operations and development in the past. Its very likely that some projects are currently in the works. I'm not claiming that the US government has reverse engineered saucers. But why couldn't what you have heard come from, say, some new experimental VTOL craft? Maybe they're aiming for more extensive hovering capabilities and that could account for the prolonged duration? Isn't it more plausible than craft that cross between conjectured parallel realities?
Should all JW's know by know about the changes to the Watchtower mag?
by oppgirl63 inwhen i picked my roommate up last night from her bookstudy, i asked her if they had announced the information about there being a separate watchtower for the public.
she said she had never heard of such a thing and asked where i heard that.
i told her i read it on the boards.
The congregation I'm officially part of, still hasn't read the letter...I was at work last night but I confirmed it with my sibling. She doesn't believe me about the switch. The congregation I'm in is notoriously slow for reading letters....Like that letter on disaster preparedness which was read in Toronto congregations and some Hamilton ones up to 3 weeks (I'm not exaggerating) before we heard it.
Need some education on THEOLOGY? Start here! Evolutionists take note!
by LittleToe inhttp://www.monergism.com/systematic.html.
I know those links were just a starting point LT, but I think some mystical content meritted a mention.(okay I didn't intend to write that down quite that way.)
So I'll just offer this one link as a suggestion if you all don't mind, on Negative Theology:
What is Gnosticism and why do Christians dislike it ?
by 5go inaside from the fact that gnosis is greek for knowledge.
two things christians seem to dislike greeks(think animal house) and knowledge (other than knowledge of the christ of course).
seeing as they practice a form of it anyway.. gnostics believe that they have secret knowledge about god, humanity and the rest of the universe of which the general population was unaware.
What I'm saying though is that gnosticism for all its mistakes and faults still tried to encourage some sort of knowledge seeking. We must not forget that gnosticism in Christian world came to be popular when any knowledge seeking was highly controlled hence to those people that was like a breath of fresh air.
Yeah it did encourage one to break out of the illusion of the present material world. But there wasn't all that much knowledge to seek. I'll use any excuse to bring in movie plotlines. Take the lead character Neo from the Matrix. It wasn't any deductive reasoning, with volumes of data, that lead him to what the Matrix actually was. He had intuitive feelings that something was amiss, and that was enough to make him open to what Morpheus would show him.
Gnosticism similarly is about intuitively realizing that the material world is just a prison for the true divine self. Awareness does involve the mind of course. But, as I see it, gnosticism, is dropping one world paradigm for another based on experiential knowledge.....to me that involves gray matter to make some sense of it, but the revealing experience itself, that one bit of knowledge, is more "heart" say than "mind".
There were some groups though that stressed secret knowledge to gain salvation, like saying the right phrases to pass the archons as one returned to the pleroma. So those believers would be seeking extensive info, sharing it with one another, which makes me wonder if they weren't now also becoming dependent on particular people or sources as channels to the truth. Kinda like modern day charlatan gurus who bilk people and entrap them in their TM cults.