I've experienced that very exact result with rock, scissors, paper! Its a great example actually of how the mind tries to anticipate in order to keep ahead. From an evolutionary perspective its a huge beneficial trait. Nothing paranormal about it, but I'm awed at how good this ordered collection of cells has gotten at making predictions.
Maybe an awe thats sort of like what a mystic has when they experience a different perception of things. They often feel it as going beyond themselves, losing themselves and connecting to a greater reality, but I wonder if neurologically all they're experiencing is a kind of meta-awareness of all the processing of inputs that happens in the pre-cerebellum portions of the brain. Immersion inward to the brain constructs that in reality are a level closer to reality, So in a sense they are more directly connected to everything else. And if that makes them more conscientious of others and the environment then thats great. Instead of EMP weapons for machines, maybe the Americans should work on a weapon that triggers those kinds of experiences.
Realizing the anticipation as an emotionally charged event APART FROM the seeing itself seems rather obvious.
Sure, but I believe the experiment tried to take that into account when looking at the results.
To be an interpreter of these data sets is not unlike being a shaman casting animal knuckle-bones on the ground and reading future events in them
I can appreciate how that applies if one were to read way too much into this particular experiment or others like it and shape it to express what one hopes see. Thats why I said earlier that with such weak effects one can't over extrapolate. I'm not advocating this experiment as proof of something along the lines of a "spidey sense". Although it would be damn useful.
I'd say that we're all making interpretations of everything we see. The perception of sight is very much a construct of sensory inputs collected and processed by different structures of the CNS. Thats kind of like an interpretation of the data, to me at least. Just that most of it is done at the preconscious level.
Why I'm curious about the repeatability of the difference in EPA levels is that it may give us some other angles to pursue in studying what may be behind "intuition". You're likely more well read than me on prosaic explanations for "intuition".(i.e. brain uses non verbal cues, previous experiences, etc on a subconscious level then spits out a "hunch"). Side studies could give us a bit more insight into how our brains work.