Two things I've learned, most of you tie abortion into your religious beliefs...
and you guys know better than zygotes being human... your religions are blinding your judgments in my mind.
As Bugs Bunny would say: "He don't know me very well, do he?"
Read enough of my posting history and most people would say I'm agnostic, even atheistic in day to day practice. Its not religious ideas that shape my opinion but understanding of the continuity of the developmental process. You've seen slides of zygotes. So have I. Now if you rationally want to say its not a person right then and now, I can see that. You won't call it "murder" because if I understand you, "murder" only applies to people. Fine.
I though agree with JWDaughter that the zygote is still indisputably a human life. And while you set the line at personhood (I can see that) I personally, think that a bit more time is all thats needed to have a person. I don't take the killing of human life lightly..ergo my positions on fetuses, enbryos and yes even zygotes.
Midget-If you feel that way then you condone murder don't you? Its obvious you don't see zygotes as human if you're willing to kill them just because you know they're going to die... you don't go into a room with terminal patients and machine gun them just to stop their suffering do you?
I would say I condone killing depending on the circumstances. I'm not going to play games with words but try to convey how I make distinctions between acceptable killing and unacceptable: Murder lets say. I think I've been upfront and honest about all of this. I wouldn't think twice about killing some psychopath to save other lives. I'm definitely not a social darwinist, but it a terminally ill person wanted to die, pleaded for my help and I were the only person about I think it mercy rather than "murder" to help them out. So long story short: its not a black and white world for me dawg...situational ethics isn't easy for me and I have to rethink my position with all kinds of different scenarios.
I would say its manslaughter if they end pregnancies at that stage, border lining on murder and would have no problem ruling from any bench and enforcing that view. Except in cases where the mother's life in in danger, or when a embryo is known to carry genetic traits they are sure to die from; hard choices must be made in these events and the state has no right to but their heads into these cases.
I think our positions are closer than what we may have originally thought.
I find it inconceivable that anyone thinks the killing if you will of a group of cells no bigger than a pin head "murder" as some have described here on this site. I know that its their religions that make them take this stand, as no rational human would consider the slides I've seen of zygotes in any way "human"...
Thats where we'll disagree. Again you're going by personhood which I think is a practical and reasonable dividing line in one way. Especially if you're going to enforce laws on it. I think it would be fairer to the developing human lifeform to give it at least a chance. Peace.