I have a bachelor's degree in Biology and one in Education. I was thinking practically, combining wanting to learn about life, origins etc with something that would help me be employable long term.
I gave teaching an earnest go, spending more than 3 years supply teaching. But I learned that it just wasn't for me. I loved helping younger ones "get" something, but I just didnt have it in me to control the class adequately. You really only learn some of these things by trying.
It wasn't feasible to add more debt and go back to college, so I took up whatever service industry jobs were around. I've been working these last few years now at a call center. Its low pay but that doesn't bother me at all.
What stings is that some local JW elders have used me as their case in point, pushing their anti-post secondary education agenda. They've even made comments in my presence. I only really wished I was more successful so that I couldn't be used that way by the WTS.