I can't just pick one. Some beautiful pieces were already mentioned like Pachelbel's Canon in D and works from Vivaldi. ( I especially like his string concertos ). I also have to mention Corelli's sonatas for violins and harpsichords.
JoinedPosts by Midget-Sasquatch
What is your favorite classical music piece and artist?
by restrangled insince modern music keeps coming up, we need to address the classical!
what are your favorite pieces and the artists?
if you play an instrument, pick the piece that's your favorite to play or you wish you could play.. r.. my favorite is fantasy impromtu by chopin.
Hambeaks Extremely Heartbreaking News
by Sparkplug inour friend hambeak just got the most dreaded phone call from his jw child.
the news was passed on as he was asked for by name and not as"dad" and let known that "they" just called to let him know that his other son, brian, age 26, is dead.
he was in a car accident.
I don't know what to say, except that I hope you can be strengthened by that part of your son thats still within you. You're in my thoughts.
Anti-Religion Extremist Dawkins Advocates Eugenics
by Deputy Dog inanti-religion extremist dawkins advocates eugenicssays nazi regimes genocidal project may not be bad http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2006/nov/06112103.html what a big surprise !
Breeding can be controlled in puppies in ways that cannot be done with humans, unless certain inalienable rights are transgressed, since it would always be possible for Ms. Perfect to sleep with Mr. Ill-fitted on the side.
Amen to that sister! At least leave the dream alive....thats all some of us subhumans have.
Society will have to make the moral decisions on what genetic traits are acceptable/unacceptable to control (i.e. homosexuality), and ensure protection against discrimination for those who do not meet up to the new genetic par.
I personally though, would love the opportunity to give my offspring enhanced genetic code so as to greatly improve their quality of life.
Our recent advances in medicine have lessened the impact of natural selection on our species, so that the genetic stock now has a greater proportion of heritable ailments. Its cold to say this but we've short circuited nature's own sort of eugenic program to the detriment of the gene pool. Believe me, I'm very grateful cuz otherwise this very near sighted, puny, non-athletic hominid would not have survived past my teens (let alone my thirites). But instituting a program that addresses genetic ailments to counter this effect as well as enhancing the physical and mental abilities of our species can be a very good thing....at least for any of my future kids or grandkids......I just gotta find a Ms. Perfect who's willin for some side action.
"Customer Service" Pet Peeves
by XJW4EVR ini hate when people use the "i'm new here" excuse, and then do absolutely nothing to try and find out what you are inquiring about or at least transfer you to someone that can help.. what are some of your "customer service" pet peeves?.
I too have learned how frustrating it can be to work as tech phone support. Like when customers call in for help troubleshooting their connection to the internet, but don't know some of the basics I would need to know to help them with configuring it. Does your ISP use DHCP or PPPoE? What incoming mail server and an outgoing mail server names did they provide to you?
Or when they reem me out after I tell them I have no training in 3rd party products so I cannot provide competent support for them...or those who scream out their computer's serial number at speeds faster than sound.... yeah its not all that fun being a phone tech....I'm thinking supply teaching wasn't all that bad :)
Stick to the Borg...Your Judas kids made their choice
by Midget-Sasquatch inyet another article in such a short period of time...someone already mentioned it would be in the jan15 2007 wt.
here are the scans:.
Yet another article in such a short period of time...Someone already mentioned it would be in the Jan15 2007 WT. Here are the scans:
2006 WorldWide Service Report
by Midget-Sasquatch inhere it is scanned straight from the feb 1 2007 wt:.
Faders: Would you prefer attention from the elders or not?
by ringo5 inthis question may produce some flaming, but so be it.
i've noticed many are freaked out, annoyed, worried, or simply felt harrassed when faced with the prospect of a visit from the elders when trying to fade.
others, or at times the same ones, complain that they recieved no inquiry from them at all or very little.
If only I were left alone!
Just What Is The WT Up To Now?
by lovelylil inhas anyone heard about what is going on inside the organization these days regarding those who claim to be "anointed" christians?
i have had at least three different people now who live in different areas of the country tell me that the elders are systematically pushing out people who claim to have become anointed within the last few years.
these would be younger ones who are now professing the heavenly rather than earthly hope.. i find this interesting for several reasons.
I can confirm that the elders at the cong I'm assigned to have been
on the hunt (since the last memorial) for those believing they're
anointed. Even 18 months ago, they were interrogating me on what I was
getting at with a comment I made on status and Ephesians 4:1-7.That quote from the wt1/1/07 was already given. There's a QFR right
after it that also has some more to say about the remnant and their
status during the great tribulation.Looks like the WTS is trying to both curb the increase in anointed
claimees but also account for the recent/future? influx of young
anointed to the GB. -
Blood fractions insert covered in tonight's service meeting
by becca1 infor those still "in", how did this part go over in your congregation?
we actually had a brother raise his hand and comment that he could not explain to a doctor why we allow fractions and obey the command of levitucus to pour blood out on the ground.
i wonder how many others felt the same but did not have the never to comment openly?
The demo at the meeting I went to last night was almost identical. The society actually prepared an outline for the whole part and I doubt if any dub giving the part strayed from it. Needless to say it sucked. The only redeeming aspect of it all was that the part highlighted the allowance of personal choice (well to the degree that the WTS must allow to cover their a$$)
The level of understanding and confusion is still fairly high from what I saw and heard. And if the Society went into more detail I 'm sure it would have been worse. Eg. No one I spoke to realized that immunoglobulins are antibodies ...sure you'd collect the fraction from the plasma, but they weren't told the basic fact that Igs are produced from certain white blood cells.
Watchtower Parody Page - Funny? Stupid? You bet! (Well, stupid...)
by AlmostAtheist inyou may be sick of seeing these, but i'm not sick of making them!
i hope you enjoy reading it even a tiny fraction as much as i enjoyed making it... .
(all links go to the same place, except the "search").
Your stuff always makes me laugh! And today I really needed it. That "hacked" page was a very nice touch. The WTS does sukc!