And very good thinking about having the links offsite.
Too large for me to collect all these with my dialup. But the more people who can collect these the better.
here it is guys.
this is what darth frosty was talking about in his post the other day (
this is a collection of confidential letters from the watchtower society that were sent to the bodies of elders in the years 1981 through 2006. these are the letters that you were never meant to see or read.. there's all sorts of information in them ranging from the boring and mundian to instructions about how to handle child molesters.. many thanks to darth frosty and others (who i'm not sure can be named) who worked very hard and took risks to collect and scan the information.
And very good thinking about having the links offsite.
Too large for me to collect all these with my dialup. But the more people who can collect these the better.
Those are my thoughts too. Although you've expressed them and elucidated them much better than I could have. The reports that aren't misidentifications of the usual objects (planets, satellites etc.) are very likely Black Ops Military Craft.
i'd like you all to tell me 2 or 3 things:.
1- were you raised a witness or not?.
2-if you were, was your family very "theocratic" or not so much?.
1. Yes (but in a divided household for over 2/3rds of my life till mom also was assimilated)
2. My pop was/is very "theocratic" (I use that word to be nice....fanatical is more like it)
3. Agnostic (leaning more towards atheist than believer, but open to any new insights)
did you ever ask yourself:.
if we are living in ''the last days'',why doesn't the wts advertise free literature over the internet,newspaper,or radio?.
why don't they use all the funds they collect from the sale of all the real estate properties and give away free literature since this is ''life saving work?
Have you actually been the accounts servant at the KH where you say that happened? The WTS actually withrew funds from the Congregation's bank account? Or was it that the congregation had moneys on hand with the WTS themselves and the money was taken from that?
I can say I've worked directly on the accounts assisting the Accounts servant (I pretty much did the paper work) and I never saw the WTS withdraw the funds from their bank account. They whined and sent a letter telling the BOE that the congregation should "donate" more. Even had the nerve to give the amount they wanted. It was an invoice practically speaking, but they had to wait for cheques to be made out to them (Most of the time they weren't because the congregation was just skirting by as it was).
did you ever ask yourself:.
if we are living in ''the last days'',why doesn't the wts advertise free literature over the internet,newspaper,or radio?.
why don't they use all the funds they collect from the sale of all the real estate properties and give away free literature since this is ''life saving work?
I can confirm Blondie's statement. Here in Canada too, when I was stuck assisting the secretary, the accounts servant and the literature servant, I saw that letter with my own eyes. I thought the nerve of them actually telling the congregation to pony up for something that supposed to be free.
Mind you, there was alot of waste happening because publishers were ending up bringing back alot of magazines after a few months hoping that others could get rid of them in the street work.
The PO just made a local needs part and people started cutting back their numbers and the oh so caring Mommy was no longer whining.
i once saw dawkins refer to his views as a "belief system".
indeed, persons who subscribe to a non-theistic belief system* have been generally forced to hold to the following beliefs:.
that life came from non-life.. that people came from fish (fish are in mans actual ancestry in evolutionary phylogenetic trees).
I disagree, and I think that the evidence supports such disagreement. For example the idea that "life came fom non-life" by unintelligent natural processes has never been observed...
Just like a special creation from god?
...and faces overwhelming scientific problems (even given genereous time, trials, and space considerations). This has been widely acknowledged.
You think theres a very strong case against the 1st fo the 3 "beliefs" you've listed. My posting was generally applied to all 3. Would you like to discuss all the evidence available for the other 2 points as well? You see all of the genetic evidence available for those 2 points shows a plausible chain of descent with modification that can be stretched backwards to the simplest unicellular life-forms. I don't think that expecting a full blown genetic systems for the first "life-form" and setting the standard for the bacterium as we know it is solid proof against a completely materialist stance on the origin of life. Whose to say the first life-form was so equipped? Think even simpler and build from there. We have seen time and again how the genetic apparatus has been added to and modified over time.
Now I agree that there isn't enough data to definitely outline one particular way how abiogenesis ("life from non-life") occured. But there are interesting molecular fossils within ribosomes that hint at how the very basis of replication may have come about by random natural processes. Consider the experiments where polynucleotide rnas which could act as an enzyme (these particular ones could self catalyze) were eventually produced from mononucleotides. Selective processes also were able to yield self-replicating rnas from those molecules. Good tangible evidence that supports some form of the RNA theory of abiogenesis. I'm not saying this is the way life came about, but its an interesting collection if observations that hint at a route to further investigate. Please recall how I mentioned about views that can be tested and debated for its accuracy (unlike special creation).
In reality the real reason why it it is believed is not because its a "likely account" "of what happened in the past based on alot of tangible objective evidence", but instead because the concept is demanded by the philosophy/methodology demands of "naturalism", which materialists (like non-theists) hold.I would have to say that materialism demands much less from me than whats demanded by theistic belief systems since it has a rational basis as pointed out by SickofLies. The "demands" of the materialist worldview have actually benefited humans by stripping away the ignorance that superstitious worldviews have kept people shackled in for centuries if not millenia.
i once saw dawkins refer to his views as a "belief system".
indeed, persons who subscribe to a non-theistic belief system* have been generally forced to hold to the following beliefs:.
that life came from non-life.. that people came from fish (fish are in mans actual ancestry in evolutionary phylogenetic trees).
I once saw Dawkins refer to his views as a "belief system". Indeed, persons who subscribe to a non-theistic belief system* have been generally forced to hold to the following beliefs:
Actually they haven't "been generally forced" to belief the subsequent points you list. They have come to accept them as likely accounts of what has happened in the past based on alot of tangible objective evidence. Evidence they can assess for themselves and also raise further questions about and debate about with peers.
On the other hand, many of them have been forced to accept certain theistic belief systems with no evidence and to do so without question on pain of death. Remember the Spanish Inquisition? Or why not try talking about or teaching your christian beliefs to some Abu Sayyaf members? I wouldn't recommend that last one if you like keeping your head.
the literature servant told me that their instructions are to only give one study wt per publisher starting with the january 1st, 2008 issue.
under no circumstances are they to provide any other copies (if lost or whatever, much like kms are provided now).
any guests attending the wt study will be provided a copy, but then the servant who gave them the copy must confiscate it after the meeting.
all I can say is, I went to meeting last night and there were plenty of spare copies of the Study Edition- they are not confiscating any in our hall -
And this is exactly the same at the cong I'm condemned to go to. I'm pretty close to the magazine servant who I asked specifically and he told he me was not told any such thing as to confiscate the study editions after meetings.
i wish i had leolaia's brain.. i wish i had eryn's reasoning skills and sense of humor.. i wish i had purps, sparkplug and seven006's talent and creativity.. i wish i had wasanelderonce's dedication.. .
do you wish you had another poster's wit, compassion, heart, personality, tenacity, sense of humor, looks, way with the ladies, way with words or anything else that you admire?.
fess up - what do they have that you want?.
Many excellent posters who I highly admire have already been mentioned, so to not be repetitive I'll say:
I wish I had Abbadon's debating/reasoning skills.
hello again!.
i never thought that so many are believers of a godless life.
i would like to know, because i just don't understand, how anyone can live life feeling god does not and can not exist?
I think one should worry more about the soul-less gods.
edit: the human, the imaginary, and how they both can bring out the worst in people