I'm thrilled with the degree of success thats being had with inducing skin cells into pluripotent cells. This will eliminate the problem of the body likely mounting an immune response against the transplanted cells because of having a different MHC.
JoinedPosts by Midget-Sasquatch
DNA Stem Cell Reaerch
by frankiespeakin inskin cells turned into stem cells and back into another tissue cell.
what are the possiblities?.
V (ABC Mini-series)
by sacolton inhttp://abc.go.com/shows/v?partner=rm&cid=knc-rm+v_title_fall_launch+google+v_abc.
anyone gonna watch this?
looks awesome!.
Hopefully they'll end it at where the original should have....let the red dust finish off the Visitors but not harm the rest of the biosphere.
Admiring evolution
by GapingMouth inas a born-in, i was taught to reject evolution right off.
that coupled with not being taught it accurately at school (and for only about an hour) it is only now after breaking free of jws that i have been learning about it.
dawkins has instilled in me an admiration and appreciation for evolution and its elegance.
What I really find inspiring are the different routes taken by life as it evolved, with so many possible life-forms coming into being and getting their chance in this world. Some specific life-forms stick around longer than others, but overall the realization that adaptation and change are not only necessary but almost surely intrinsic is a postitive motivator for me. I especially like the solid evidence that evolution is not solely propelled "forward" by a dog eat dog M.O. but that symbiosis has also introduced some huge leaps forward ( prokaryotes to eukaryotes). I'll stop now before I start singing "kumba yah". I think I had too much .... chocolate milk ... this more.
Creation - struggling
by wantstoleave ini am in the process of leaving, and those of you who have followed me will know i spoke to my family briefly the other day about my doubts, but not since.
my dad has offered the occasional prayer for various things in the past week, as well as say he wants to study with my preschoolers.
he has also added in the extra tidbits to do with jehovah being the only true god etc.
Its a question a lot of people wonder about.
But why does "Jehovah God" have to be that First Cause? Why can't the quantum foam or vacuum energy be that "ground" thats always been?
As you pointed out, our experience is that complex things develop over time. So wouldn't it be easier to wrap one's head around a simple state as always having existed and from which, the universe at some point, unfolded?
It may sound like a cop out to the God question you have, but as I understand it, there's some basis to the quantum foam idea. Just a possibility to consider.
religion 101 test
by loosie inreligion 101: final exam.
by terrence kaye.
the author gratefully acknowledges the inspiration provided by e.t.
Thanks for the post!
Thought provoking material. Guess dubs couldn't get past the first 3 questions. Some of the scenarios make the point beautifully. I think I'll rip a few of them off for any future conversations I have with true believers.
Teaching Position at a Catholic School
by wifekeepsmeinit inim looking to get a teaching position at a catholic school, part of the requirements for the.
application is to write an 200 word essay on why i desire to teach in a catholic school.
im almost completely lost as to what to say.
Leave religion out of it - unless of course you are to be a teacher of Roman Catholic religious studies?
lifelong humanist
Thats just it...its a Roman Catholic School. Its true that they're not "indoctrinating" students in each and every class. The religion classes were more of an ethics and history class than outright catechism. But even if you're not teaching religion classes, all of the RC boards that I know of here in Ontario usually stipulate that a letter of reference from a Parish Priest be included in your application for any teaching job. When I asked a recruiter about this she said nothing stopped a person without the obvious tie to a parish from applying but that candidate would not have everything they were looking for so their chances were poor.
You're right he should be honest about his values, but he should emphasize the views he shares with catholicism.
Teaching Position at a Catholic School
by wifekeepsmeinit inim looking to get a teaching position at a catholic school, part of the requirements for the.
application is to write an 200 word essay on why i desire to teach in a catholic school.
im almost completely lost as to what to say.
Since you've only got 200 words don't cover too much ground poorly. You've still got to cover learning and faith though so:
Make the theme short and sweet like: "Nurturing the Soul and Developing the Mind". Then expand on that by using your nice points on how Christ is a wonderful exemplar for both those goals.
Definitely include the point another poster mentioned: to paraphrase --- that the Catholic Community with its Love in Action is a tangible proof of how the values and principles expounded by "Our Lord" are positives in our world.
Even though I personally think secular humanism can probably be more positive. ;)
Human Animals?
by passwordprotected ininspired by this comment (post 16581 from satanus), i dug out a quote from richard dawkins;.
i wonder whether, some 60 years after hitler's death, we might at least venture to ask what the moral difference is between breeding for musical ability and forcing a child to take music lessons.
or why it is acceptable to train fast runners and high jumpers but not to breed them.
Thank You for that article. This stuff strangely makes me less cynical about the future.
I have no moral qualms with any of those above scenarios. Now, I'd personally be losing out on alot of lovin', but thats the selective reality.
I'd be a hypocrite on a massive order if I denied I wouldn't jump at the opportunity of giving any of my future offspring a genetic edge. I guess where it gets touchy for some people are, not so much your scenarios which fundamentally involves personal reproductive choice, but programs that restrict it.
New ex-JW Magazine / Journal
by Moxie insome of you may already be aware of the new ex-jw magazine that's been in the works for some time.
well, the day has finally come and i'm happy to let you know that jwrecovery magazine is now available online and for free download at www.jwrecovery.org.
it features articles, interviews and columns by many ex-jws throughout the community including:.
Is there a way to make the magazine's website show up more highly ranked in web searches? I wish I was more savvy in things like this.
I first delved into all the more doctrinal and factual aspects on the site and then near the end began reading the interview and the personal stories. I'm glad I did it that way. It allowed me to hoover up alot before I reached some pretty moving stuff there. Great mix.
Again, much appreciated.
New ex-JW Magazine / Journal
by Moxie insome of you may already be aware of the new ex-jw magazine that's been in the works for some time.
well, the day has finally come and i'm happy to let you know that jwrecovery magazine is now available online and for free download at www.jwrecovery.org.
it features articles, interviews and columns by many ex-jws throughout the community including:.
Thank you for all the hard work you and the contributors put into it.
The calibre was awesome. I was keenly reading through it from start to end (says alot when my, as of late, ADHD mind can do that).