Evolution has not stopped ladies and gentlemen. All species, yes even us, continue to evolve. What we are today will not be what will be 100,000 years from now, or even 10,000 years from now. We know that our sun will last another 5,000,000,000 years, give or take a million years here and there, which mean that unless we end up destroying ourselves, or it turns out that the Jehhoover Witnesses were right and the "end comes soon", evolution will march on for quite some time changing species, for good and bad, based on the dictates of universal guidelines. Who knows, maybe a better and more peaceful and loving human will eventually evolve, wouldn't that be nice?
Posts by Hondo
Watchtower Evolution Fraud
by Amazing inthe watchtower society first published a book on evolution in the late 1960s or early 1970s, simply known as the evolution book.
it is a small hardbound book, the same in size at the old "truth" book.
other than reading it, i never really studied it.
Why is the WTBTS so against mental health professional treatment?
by Gill infollowing on from sandy's thread on her brother's pt, i wondered exactly why does the wtbts take such an opposing stand to professional mental health treatment?
(((((((((((( Hondo )))))))))))))))
Yes vitty, what can I do for you?
Why is the WTBTS so against mental health professional treatment?
by Gill infollowing on from sandy's thread on her brother's pt, i wondered exactly why does the wtbts take such an opposing stand to professional mental health treatment?
The JW's took my wife of 20 years from me back in late 90's. We were eventually divorced in 2003. I had recommended, in fact had set up, an appointment with a marriage counselor to get an outside perspective. At first she agreed (the main reason I set up the appointment), the abruptly refused to go saying something about Jahoober taking care of everything. I did all I could to get her to change her mind, to no avail (I'm sure there was elder interaction with her, highly recommending that she not go with me). It was painfully evident, at least to me, that the WTBTS/JWs were going to do all they could to destroy our life, marriage, and family, which they eventually did (after all, I was an evil non-believing mate). Another incident similar to the above eventually did the trick. I had talked my ex-wife into going to dinner on one of her meeting nights (she was suppose to answer some questions, give a short talk, or something). We had spent "our time" together doing similar things together before the JWs got a hold of her. Anyway, before we were to leave for dinner she said she wanted to call someone (an elder I suspect) to let him/her know what she was doing. I asked her why, trying to explain to her that it was her decision, her life. She insisted on calling. No sooner had she got off the phone she ran (litterally) out the door saying something about dieing spiritually. I let her go rather than make a scene. What was interesting was that she did not say a word when she got home (2 hours later). No apologies, no explanations, no nothing. It was as if the incident never happened. I said nothing. This incident was the beginning of the end of our marriage. I see her very rarely, but when I do she acts and talks like a zombie, a robot. They have her so wrap up and packaged in their crazy doctrines. It's sad. I spend a lot of time remenicing about our time together pre-JW, and hope.
See J.R.Brown's answer in latest NEWSWEEK re: giving Christmas gifts to JWs
by AndersonsInfo insee newsweek september 4, 2006, page 12, "with beliefnet.com".
fourth question:.
sub-forsanta, a nonprofit organization i work with, donates gifts to families in need every december.
The church I belong to helps needy families, of all religious affiliations, all year long, but in particular around the end of year holidays; thanksgiving, Christmas and New years. The assistance/help, in addition to helping those who wish identify with a particular holiday, is to stress the idea of family cohesiveness and unity, which a lot of the holidays are for to begin with.
Maybe they do, I don't know, but why doesn't the WTBTS/JW help their needy, and the needy of other groups? If a JW family in need, and I'm sure there are a few, required assistance, could they go to a local Kingdom Hall and ask for it? Or drop by one of the local elders homes and request for a meal? My church sponsors a homeless shelter. If JWs, or anyone else, were to visit for assist or a meal, they would get it, no questions asked. Does the WTBTS/JWs do anything like this?
JW- Mormons- Seven-day adventist The more they preach- fewer come in
by sspo inkeeping members a challenge for lds church .
mormon myth: the belief that the church is the fastest-growing faith in the world doesn't hold up .
by peggy fletcher stack .
During the tenure (25 years) of Pope John Paul II the Catholic community grew by approx 250,000,000, or ~10,000,000 a year, or ~28,000 a day. This daily convert number is maintained today at ~28,000 a with Pope Benedict.
Kingdom News 37 sneek preview
by Midget-Sasquatch inwell i setup an account at reexaminer.org eager to make a contribution but find that uploading was disabled (for now anyway).. so here's this year's supposedly hard-hitting expose on "false religion" aka kingdumb news 37. i hope these links work for all of you.
This is incredible stuff!!. I have never been a JW (I lost my wife to them after 20 years of marriage and have read quite a bit about the WTBTS/JW organization to try to understand the mindset of this destructive cult), but browsing through and reading the links makes me sick. I don't mean to sound irreverant towards anyone on this board who use to be a JW, and has since escaped, but how could/can anyone ever believe in this trash? Is/was it the constant indoctrination (all the meetings, etc.)? I have found that even though I've read a "ton" of material on the WTBTS/JW's, and try to put myself in their shoes (I have attended KH twice to get a feel for what goes on at these places. Extremely boring), I can't say that I know what it's like to be a JW. It seems that unless someone has "been there, done that," no amount of book reading will qualify someone who has never been "indoctrinated" in WTBTS cultish practices to understand what it is like to be one.
How I got my daughter out of the CULT of Jehovah's Witnesses
by hopie inmy husband and i were both raised and baptized as jehovah's witnesses.
my husband was an elder for over 15 years.
during those years when he was an elder, our eyes began to be opened to what was going on behind the scenes, that their organization was more political than biblical.
I would like to know the method(s) you used to get your daughter out too. Guess I will look into buying the books if its there. My wife (now ex) of 20 years joined at age 55. Kept her whole involvement a secret from me as long as she could (about 8/9 months). The WTBTS packaged and wrapped her with their crooked doctrine very well. I tried every trick in the book to show her the lies, deception, and plain evil in this group. It was like talking to a brick wall. They taught her well. I will admit that I got angry a lot which, I'm sure, caused her to withdraw deeper into her little Watchtower cave of protection. I still correspond with her from time-to-time but have mellowed my attitude and conversation mannerisms with her. I figure she is totally lost. If there is some secret "get out of the WTBTS/JW (jail) organization free" method you used on you daughter I would sure be interested. As crazy as it may sound, I still have very strong feelings towards my ex. It is not her I have problems with, it's the organization that took her from me. Thanks.
Are the "Last Days" an Absurdity? (8/15 WT)
by metatron inhow could anyone know objectively if they live in the "last days", if they fail to examine history?
how would anyone know if things were .
actually worse?
Concur metatron. If someone, like flash, only looks as life from a veiled or hooded perspective, he or she will never see the good that surrounds them. Someday when they are old and near their natural end they will look back and realize that their past misguided hope for the "big" end was just an absurdity and that they missed out on the best years of most of their life. The WTBTS/JWs are of course the premier promoters of this nonsensical way of thinking.
Take care.
Are the "Last Days" an Absurdity? (8/15 WT)
by metatron inhow could anyone know objectively if they live in the "last days", if they fail to examine history?
how would anyone know if things were .
actually worse?
Flash, you're an eternal pessimist! Your glass is always half empty. Your sky is always falling. If you haven't been living in a cave since the sixties, maybe you should, it would be a lot safer for you there. In the meantime, I'm going to the beach. It's sunny and 85 here in Hawaii and I'm going to the beach. Last I checked there weren't any tital waves bearing down on the islands, no plague, and to the best of my knowledge the peasants weren't going to revolt in the streets today.
Have a wonderful day, and life....
Are the "Last Days" an Absurdity? (8/15 WT)
by metatron inhow could anyone know objectively if they live in the "last days", if they fail to examine history?
how would anyone know if things were .
actually worse?
Flash have you lived in a cave since the sixties? What are you trying to say? Take your assertion that severe weather is more prevelant now than ever before for instance...wrong! What are you basing this on? If you read reports (you can go on the web and search for weather patterns over last few hundred years) you will find that severe weather patterns, earthquakes, etc during the 20th century, and up till present day, were less than at any other time since weather phenomena had been recorded. Will there continue to be severe weather... yes, it happens. The earth and space goes through cycles. We are in the middle of a 15 year earth cycle when more severe weather patterns might, but not always, be expected. We are in the quiet period of the 11 years sun spot cycle. There will be hurricanes, typhoons, tital waves and storms...they happen!. With the advancement of satellites, and other modern reporting systems, prior notice of an advancing storm or hurricane saves lives. Just think if the folks at Pompei, and that entire area, had some advance notice that Vesuvius was going to explode. Thousands of lives would have been saved. We had this notice prior to Pinatubo in the Philippines erupting, saving hundreds of thousands of live, etc., etc., The worldwide media has a lot to do with the reporting of "normal" and "not so normal" things that happen around the world. The fact that we can be innundated with news 7X24 leads many, and perhaps yourself, to believe that events are happening at an unprecedented pace. Not so. Try to imagine FOX or CNN being around during the plague in the middle ages, or during the Roman times reporting some of the "ways of life" (discussed on this thread) that were widespread back in those days. The "end of time" folks back then would have had a fieldday just watching the news repeating to themselves, "the sky is falling, the sky is falling." What if there wa TV back in Roman times. What would you think if you were watching "Monday Night Gladiators" and just witnessed the decapitation/death of the "loser" in the main event of the evening, to the glee and cheering of the 50,000 spectators in the Collisium? The commentators (an ex-gladiator and announcer), between commercials, were doing their play-by-play on how the winner used a certain stroke with his sword to expertly win his event...Meanwhile the field reporter did his/her interview of the winner while the losers head and body was dragged away in the background...
Life if pretty good these days Flash. Look around and try looking for the good things in life (smell the roses) rather than the bad. I think you will see. Have a wonderful day. GB