"The worse thing was when I was visiting a hall, no one knew us we could have walked in off the street and no one spoke to us. Not a hello or a smile from anyone. It was the worst meeting of my life ( at that time) I couldnt believe it I was so embarrist and upset."
Posts by Hondo
Have you been love bombed or practiced this technique?
by truthsearcher inwhat has been your experience with love bombing (that is the practice of showering attention upon newcomers until they are part of the org)?
The Great Day of Jehovah is NEAR!!!!!!
by Gill inthe year's text for 2007 is from zepheniah 1:14:.
'the great day of jehovah is near.
as usual 'near', 'soon', 'approaching'.....blah blah etc...... watchtower dec 15th 2006.
"Oh well! In the words of a true prophet 'Shit happens!' "
Would that be the Prophet GUMP?
The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.
by Wasanelder Once in.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
"Wake up man; this is not about your accepting the Lord; it's about him accepting you! So you jumped into the WT org. and finally found they did not understand the truth; you get out and bad mouth Russell and everyone who accepts his writings; that's negative! Do something positive like studying. Find out where the WT went wrong and what it takes to correct your understanding."
You're lost Steam, and wrong. Jesus has already accepted you...the bible is very clear on this. Have you accepted him? What don't you undersand?
As for Russell, he was lunatic and a quack. His kind were a dime a dozen during the 1800's, starting with Miller and his Millerites, then followed by N. Barbour, so forth and so on. The JWs lieing and deceptive practices will eventually catch up with them. There is nothing to correct in my understanding. My way forward is very clear. Your way forward seems a bit muddled.
Your chronology was sort of nice (lot of neat numbers), so what? I could do the same thing, using a different "formula", and come up with predictions totallty different. Someone else, or some other organization, could do the same thing, and on, and on, and on.... Who's right? Who cares? You obviously do, but are certainly in the minority.
We don't know the hour nor the day Steam. Learn to deal with this and stop guessing.
Again, have a wonderful day.
The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.
by Wasanelder Once in.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
"Hondo: 24 hour days, 30 day months, 360 day years. Jerusalem Time.
Genesis 1 tells of creation during the six days (epochs)
Genesis 2:2 tells that God rsted on the seventh Day. God has been resting 6,132 years now. At the end of the 7,000 years he takes the Kingdom. Thus we know that one day of the week of Creation is 7,000 years long. The other days must also be the same length, 7,000 years.
The count of the chronology begins in Genesis 5:3, with the "begats". They continue to Genesis 11:32. and 2250BC. The Flood Deluge ended 2472BC..Subtract 427 years from 2473, =2045BC, date of the Abrahamic Covenant.
Then Israel sojourned 430 years, take 430 fron 2045 and get 1615BC the years of the Exodus.
Then Exodus 12:40, Deut. 8:2, Joshua 14:7,10; Acts 13:20
Then the Kings of Judah in Acts 13:21, 1 Chronicles 29:27
Follow the Kings of judah thru 2nd Chronicles. to 2 Chron. 36:20,21 whic h is 536BC
Then the 46th link is Ptolemy's Canon which brings AD 1. After that is 1874 years to Sept. 1874."
HUH! Oh yea, the above clears everything up real good.....NOT!!!
Steam you need to get a life. Take a couple steps back and try to rationally listen to all the good people on this forum. There are a ton of great comments. Open your heart and mind and try to understand. It's not that hard. Our Lord Jesus Christ did not make accepting him as savior that difficult; either you do, or you don't. There are things we will never understand, in the bible and other documents, this is ok. There are many things that we will understand, in the bible and other documents, and this is fine too. No need to make things complicated.
Have a wonderful day.
The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.
by Wasanelder Once in.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
"The length of God's Rest Day is 7,000 years. During that time, all of Adam's family is born, lives, suffers, dies and is resurrected and judged. Then God stops Resting and takes over.. Satan is released and does the final testing on the human race; and then he and his followers are killed. All that is left on planet earth is a full house of perfect people who love righteousness and God.
The last thousand years of that 7,000 years is the Millennium. That is when Jesus returns to earth and does his great work. 1874AD is the beginning of the Millennium because there is nowhere else to establist the thousand years after that date. Simple?
During the fore part of the Thousand years; a "Time of Trouble" occurs. Read Daniel 12:1-4. A "Time" in symbolic language is 360 years. 1874 plus 360 years = 2234AD. Then the iron rule of Christ's Kingdom begins, 2234AD. The "regeneration" or resurrection of the sinners takes place. (Matthew 19:28) Christ's Kingdom reigns for the next 640 years, until 2874AD. Then Jehovah takes the Kingdom. The Divine Plan will run right on time because God is an exact time keeper." Mr. Steam,
Just a couple questions; and I'm sure you have logical, well informed answers...
you talk about days, years and time in your mail (parts of it quoted above). I was just wondering, what time, what numbering, or other similar criteria, was the, let's say, 7000 years as the length of Gods' rest day, based on? And, how can you have a 7000 year "day"? Obviously it's not a 24 hour day as we know today. Are the years 365 day years? What time standard is used? Pacific, Mountain, Central, East Coast, or maybe Hawaiian or European time...What? In your last paragraph above you've got all kinds of "time" stuff going on. Sheeeeeeesh!!! Your Symbolic Language time theory thing... Again, what sort of time is this. 24 hour days? 365 days in a year, or something else? What kind of time keeping system is God using? What standard, if any? Pacific standard time, Eastern standard time? What? To me a day to him may be a billion years, or more, or it may be a nanosecond, or less, or something in the middle. Prove to me everything you state above. And Don't bring any of Russel's pyramid crap into you calculations. Thanks.
The Divine Error of the Ages. Russell Chart update.
by Wasanelder Once in.
couldn't resist.. w.once.
Steam said:
"There is no one else who has provided this great amount of truth that is clear and harmonious."
BS, Russell was a flamin IDIOT!!!
How did you feel when you found out Jehovah's Witnesses were a cult?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #660000; } .style2 {font-family: verdana} .style3 {font-size: 16px} .style4 {font-family: verdana; font-size: 16px; } --> finding out jehovah's witnesses were a cult on a number of occasions individuals would warn.
me about being one of jehovah's witnesses and.
say that the religion was really a cult.
Thanks Anitar. I did not think it was that bad. There were a couple events during the last few months of my marriage that sort a, based on what you said, bring all this together. It seems, and I was totally blind from the git go. Of course she kept everything she did from me too. I wish I would have known. Thanks again.
How did you feel when you found out Jehovah's Witnesses were a cult?
by The wanderer in<!-- .style1 { font-family: arial, sans-serif; color: #660000; } .style2 {font-family: verdana} .style3 {font-size: 16px} .style4 {font-family: verdana; font-size: 16px; } --> finding out jehovah's witnesses were a cult on a number of occasions individuals would warn.
me about being one of jehovah's witnesses and.
say that the religion was really a cult.
Any cult books I've read, including Steve Hassan's, rank Jehovah Witnesses as one of the top five religious cults in the world. They can be identified with the top ten criteria that classifiy a group as a cult. I've seen their destructive nature first hand with the loss of my wife of 20 years to them a few years ago. I saw her for the first time in a couple years about a month ago. It was sad. We were at the airport seeing my daughter (not a JW) off to Japan. My son was there plus other friends of my daughter. There was a strange woman with my wife who no one had ever seen before (by her dress a JW we all suspected). Although we were all together, and my ex's eyes and mine made contact on many occasions, she did not even talk to me, other than a very brief hello/goodby when we were all departing the airport. I'm not a JW, but it seemed I was being shunned by her. During the whole time at the airport (at least an hour and a half) she seemed like a little girl lost at a state fair or something similar, always looking around and very fidgity. The strange woman was always within a few feet of her. I even saw my ex apparently getting her ass chewed out by this woman too (yelling at my ex and wagging her finger) after my ex's currory hi to me as we were all leaving. I could/can't help but feel sorry for my ex-wife. From a very good marriage/family to her being totally controlled by the WTBTS. I don't know if this is an exagerated cased, but It was obvious she was under total control if this destructive cult.
(Rutherford-Beth Sarim)-The Journal of San Diego History!
by Atlantis infor those interested in "rutherford" research!.
http://www.sandiegohistory.org/journal/86spring/br-living.htm the journal of san diego historyspring 1986, volume 32, number 2contents of this issue book notes kensington-talmadge: 1910-1985 by thomas h. baumann, san diego: privately printed, 1984.illustrations.
From what I have read, I guess he did some good for the organization, but isn't is true that the WTBTS, in some way, "isolated", or "dumped", Rutherford at Beth Sarim to keep him away from the headquarters in New York because of his drinking and womanizing; he was somewhat of an embarasment while there. I also read that he was no alter boy and wielded a heavy hand over those under him.
Just curious.
My brother (a devoute evangelical) and I (a bit more liberal thinker than he) discuss carbon dating on occasion. He raises good points, some of which are very pertinent, and expounded on more in the article in below web site. Other articles I've read seem to cast some similar doubt on the accuracy of the carbon dating process.