I'd say it was the brainwashing. They're programed to be unselfish.
so my fiancee told me about a movie last night where during the nazi regime in germany this woman was given a choice to choose one parent to live and the other one to die.
if she failed to make a choice, both of her parents would die.
(i think the movie was sophie's choice -- i didn't see it so i am not 100% sure i got it right).
I'd say it was the brainwashing. They're programed to be unselfish.
us criticises religious .
discrimination in belgium
source: expatica (belgium) http://www.expatica.com/source/site_article.asp?subchannel_id=48&story_id=11964&name=us+criticises+religious+freedom+in+belgium.
The real sad thing is that the WTS will put a positive spin on it. "They're persecuting us! Just like Jesus said they would." It's sick and sad that they just don't get it.
i was out at the local pub on monday night and a big guy came up to me and wanted to "talk" to me.
as i went to see what he wanted, i made eye contact with the bouncer so that he knew that i wasn't completely cofortable with the situation.
the guy started off by saying that my ex-wife has been complaining that i have been harrassing her and that it's getting bad enough that she has to move out of town.
I agree with Sherry. The only problem you might run into is K. and T. not wanting to testify against them because of their involvement. Definately not something that should be taken lightly, looks like you're not. Be careful.
although i like to keep the afterlife unknown..... what do you think the first thing out of a jw's mouth would be when they discover they went to heaven (or hell) instead of paradise erf?
Hold on a sec here...you guys are all going ahead of the organization on this one!
although i like to keep the afterlife unknown..... what do you think the first thing out of a jw's mouth would be when they discover they went to heaven (or hell) instead of paradise erf?
I knew I should have taken Harp lessons.
i had heard from somewhere that you could request all records regarding your association with the wts from them.
does anyone know how this is done, and what the reprecussions of making this request would be.
would making this request be the equivelant of da'ing myself?
I'd like to read all the "juicy bits" about me before they're shredded though! That way I can share them with all you fine people!
conservatives urge p&g boycott.
christian groups go after crest, tide due to company's opposition to cincinnati anti-gay statute.. september 17, 2004: 3:01 pm edt .
Now we know why the people in these groups have yellow teeth, and clothes that aren't just as bright, or white as they should be.
i had heard from somewhere that you could request all records regarding your association with the wts from them.
does anyone know how this is done, and what the reprecussions of making this request would be.
would making this request be the equivelant of da'ing myself?
I had heard from somewhere that you could request all records regarding your association with the WTS from them. Does anyone know how this is done, and what the reprecussions of making this request would be. Would making this request be the equivelant of DA'ing myself? Has anyone done this?
one day a man was driving down a hiway and saw a car broke down.
he stops to help to help.
but it was a trap the robber beats him up leaves him for dead takes all his money and steals his car.. men while a christian drive by does nothing, a jew drives by nothing, a muslim ditto,.
I don't think that one event will effect judgement, therefore senerio is irrelevent to the question. That's why there is repentance. Just my thought on it anyway.
for those of you who are unaware, i have been picketing local kingdom halls here for the past 6 weeks, and i have really been enjoying it.
i have been standing on the side of the road in front of the halls on sunday afternoons between noon and 1pm holding a couple of different signs given to me by undaunted danny.. i have been very polite and friendly to the passerby's and havent yelled or harrassed people contrary to the popular misconception of the "evil apostates.
" the looks on some of the witnesses faces has truly been priceless.
Good for you. You know I don't think that I've seen people picketing a hall or assembly since the 1986 Assembly in Montreal. When I get around to DA'ing myself, I'll have to take it up!