I got an email with that a few months ago. It's something else that you can pick every word out and read it semi-fluently.
not sure what category this belongs in.
it was entertaining, so here it is:.
u can read this!.
I got an email with that a few months ago. It's something else that you can pick every word out and read it semi-fluently.
i took elizabeth to her therapist this morning.
i was able to talk to the therapist and bring her up to speed on nancy and to talk about my concerns.
she said that she is completely aware of the effect the religion is having on the kids.
Hi Corvin. I've been reading your posts over the past few weeks. That does sound like good news and a step in the right direction. Your hard work is paying off. Keep it up!
when someone is publicly reproved, what are their limitations in regards to family and friends?
Usually someone is Publicly reproved because others know about the problem that the person had, if others don't then it's done privately. Basically, you're reproved because you've done something that you can be DF'd for, but have repented to the elders, and therefore, they can't DF you. You really shouldn't be shunned but there are those with the "My sh*t don't stink" attitude that will shun you anyway. Big loss. I've personally never seen family shun someone because they were reproved, unless there was something personal going on behind the scenes between the two parties.
what instances do you know of jw crime, particularly jw on jw or jw on xjw?.
i know of several instances.
my own po, elder grandfather ripped off tons of dubs.
JW A owned a automobile shop. JW B was the accountant. A knew nothing about finances and let Bvdo all the money work. Police contact A, and let him know that B is skimming thousands of dollars from the company. Turns out over years A lost almost $500,000 (this in mid-seventies). A doesn't want to press charges because B is a brother. Police go ahead with charges anyway, which A gets approached about from elders for bringing a brother to court. Elders don't believe that A didn't press charges so take away all "privleges" and nothing happens to B. Later B gets DF'd for homosexuality.
i was out at the local pub on monday night and a big guy came up to me and wanted to "talk" to me.
as i went to see what he wanted, i made eye contact with the bouncer so that he knew that i wasn't completely cofortable with the situation.
the guy started off by saying that my ex-wife has been complaining that i have been harrassing her and that it's getting bad enough that she has to move out of town.
Just a question...These thugs, do they happen to be PT elders as well? Wouldn't surprise me some of the stuff I've been through.
yesterday i was able to actually talk with my wife about the wt, and where i stand.
i mean in detail.
for the last couple of years, i'd get bits and pieces out, but then get shut down as she didn't want to hear, but yesterday was different.
Thanks for the advice Mulan. I'll take it to heart. My salesman instinct says to "Go in for the kill!" But I won't. She said she'll think about things, and I know that looking at "Apostate" material is a big deal for her. She doesn't like change, hates it. That's what this is, and it scares her, because what if I'm right? (I think it may have happened before) And if now's not the right time for her, so be it, doesn't mean I won't talk about it to her 4, 6, 8 months from now. I'm just happy right now we got some dialoge going about it. It'll make it easier in the future.
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
"He who recieves, let him give." (Kwintestal version KV)
Pass it over!
yesterday i was able to actually talk with my wife about the wt, and where i stand.
i mean in detail.
for the last couple of years, i'd get bits and pieces out, but then get shut down as she didn't want to hear, but yesterday was different.
Wow Mulan. That sounds very much like what's going on here. Hopefully with the same result. Thank you very much for sharing!
hi all this is josephus here and im posting my disassociation letter minus any identifying details which ill leave blank.
i would like thoughts on it if poss, but not spelling tips as my girl will check it 2morrow i just wanted to see if i struck the right balence .
or maybe if i put something wrong.. thanks all josephus.
ps once i post it this week im changing my name to my real one
Whadayamean??? People don't use their real names on this site??? Am I being spoofed? Next thing you'll say is that they don't use their real photos too!
verse 18 .
and the woman whom you saw means the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth.
Just reading a few of these pages....where can I get some of that stuff!