coolhandluke, the first place I lived in was in NOTL, well Queenston. If your mom is a JW perhaps my family knows her.
ak Jeff, I saw the secretary from the hall the other day at a store, I gave him a big smile and he looked away and pretended he didn't see me. It was quite comical. I would have made a scene, (Hey Bro. SoandSo in a loud voice), but my kids were with me and I didn't want to make a scene.
ackack, It'll be great to meet you when we get to the area! We'll get back to you about dinner plans, definately! I drive a bus for the city right now, but have been off work since January of this year because of a car accident I was in. I'm waiting to see a specialist to find out what exactly is wrong with my shoulder, so, as of right now I'm on worker's comp. I can't wait to get back to work though!
GGG, Yes. It is quite beautiful there, but it's lost on me since I grew up around it. After a while, it turned into a big inconvience because of the trafic congestion it created! Don't get me started on the wine route!
Billygoat, we thought the same thing!
JH, will you still come to visit us down there? Maybe on our drive through your way we can have supper/lunch! We'll get in touch but it's a couple months down the road still anyway.
Es, anewme, Purza, delilah, frog thanks!
Scully ... Thank you for the offer! You know you guys are always welcome at our place as well!
tetrapod.sapien, can't wait to meet you!
misspeaches, don't worry. Neither of us could go without internet for long!
Honesty, I won't be transferring my records. They can stay behind in Nova Scotia!
Lee, a visit to Ottawa is never out of the question!
dams, you and whatchamacallhim can always come to visit us!
LittleToe, it's a bit of a trek from NYC, but can be done in a day!
Black Sheep, you must bring your own barrell. All the ones around the Falls are bolted down. Bring a lawyer with you too as stunts are illegal and you'll need a good one! I'll give Tal a hug for you when I see her next week!
Dave, It's only a 5 hour drive (or so) from Niagara to where you are. I'd love to come visit in the summer!
Mouthy, I'm glad you liked the card. We WILL get together more often! You have snow already! Eek! That's aweful! Keep warm! (hugs)
Midget-Sasquatch, glad you caught this thread! Now there'll no excuse for us not getting together! haha
Thanks jgnat and lonelysheep!
acsot, yes! We will get together! I used to love going swimming at Brock's pool! I think we're going to leave Jan 27th to arrive in ON on the 28th (weather permitting of course!)