Happy is the man who realizes the world was made ... not by the false god of the bible, but by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Praise be to Him.
hi firends,.
let's use and old witness saying; "turn a stumbling block into a stepping stone".
i was a member of a few congregations in the so-california desert area for many years.
Happy is the man who realizes the world was made ... not by the false god of the bible, but by a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Praise be to Him.
Wow! 5 years! I bet you didn't think you'd last that long now did ya? Hehe Just kidding.
Grace, it was an honour and a privledge to have met you and I wouldn't have if you weren't around here. Thanks for sticking around!
piercings are even more common than tattoos, and becoming more popular due to their relatively low cost and seeming temporary permanence.. opinions?.
I got my toungue done 2 years ago. I never notice it now. That's the only thing though.
found here: http://www.chefmarc.com/index.
there are videos; and also go down to "other features" for written instructions.. i have followed his instructions the past two years for all the many turkeys baked, and they always come out crispy on the outside and superbly moist on the inside.. i also recommend doing a salt brine soak the night before baking: http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-9-2001-5239.asp.
you'll love.
Anyone ever tried "Fowl Stuffing"?
You stuff a quail inside a pigeon, inside a chicken, inside a duck, inside a goose, inside a turkey, or somesuch combination
I haven't the faintest idea how long you would need to cook it, but it sounds incredibly decadent!
You eat pigeons?!?! I've had a Turducken which is some of the most tasty meat I have ever had. It consists of a chicken inside a duck inside a turkey.
When it comes to cooking a turkey, I guess I use somewhat of a "high-heat" method. I deep fry mine. The hot oil sears the outside locking the juices in. Moistest turkey I've ever had! I usually inject mine with a bottle of teryaki sauce to add a little extra flavour! It turns the skin black but oh so good.
i am very sad that i am in this situation.
it is pretty much my own fault that i have this situation...but i didn't know at the time what all the consequenses would entail.
(i got real ddepressed and left my jw husband and da'd myself after i had a baby with him) my daughter is a happy well adjusted kid with a new jw mom and an elder dad.
I'd almost want to make a deal with the dad ... he doesn't take her door-to-door, you won't celebrate Christmas with her. You're both parents and you're both entitled to raise her with your beliefs even if the parent's beliefs conflict with each others'. I'm sure once you get her there and she sees what's going on if you asked her if she wanted to just see what Christmas is like that she'd say yes. Then, "Hey, theres a present with your name on it, do you want to see what's in it?"
Why shouldn't you be allowed to share your beliefs with your daughter as her father is sharing his? I'd also talk to a lawyer should there be any "problems" like her being disciplined for participating.
what would a jw do if a householder insisted on seeing some form of identification?
anyone else who came to my door (pre all my signs!
) always offered id, even the boyscouts would introduce themself and identify their troop number..
they should not print thereon that they are representatives of the Watchtower Society
Haha, now who in the legal dept. thought that one up? You know they're covering their a$$ets with that one!
what would a jw do if a householder insisted on seeing some form of identification?
anyone else who came to my door (pre all my signs!
) always offered id, even the boyscouts would introduce themself and identify their troop number..
I think they would say that the laws don't require them to carry ID. I would think the group as a whole would liken carring ID to obtaining a licence to go door-to-door. They fought that in the courts vigourously.
here's the story,.
been "inactive" for 2.5 years.from that day forward my elder brother, sister and parents have treated me as an apostate, seeing how i told them i didn't believe in their bible or god.
i have been exluded from everything but since getting pregnant, my parents now want to be part of the babies life (just to "save" the child i'm sure, but thats what monitors are for).
I'm not sure where you live (country) but if you (or anyone else for that matter) live in Canada, you'd do well to look into Canada's criminal harassement laws. It's also called the anti-stalking law but upon telling someone that they are harassing you, if they contact you again in any form you would have the ability to lay criminal charges against them. I haven't seen it done in this instance as it's mostly used when relationships go sour, but there's nothing specific in the law that would only allow it to be used for this purpose.
I've been so busy serving Jehovah God I've not noticed that you've been missing, but now that you mention it ... Welcome Back!
i used to be here a real lot.
now i make about 15 posts , if that,.
per day and read a few other threads that interest me.
I used to be on all the time, but then situations changed and so I just pop in now and then. I've kind of been catching up the last couple days though as I've been home alone.