poppers its just a very famous person who put his faith in Jesus
Yes, but in that time period many people who stated they didn't believe in him were killed. Do you want a list of famous people who don't believe?
Any evidence of this outside of the bible?
real one, about 60 years ago in a cave was found what's now called the "Dead Sea Scrolls". These scrolls were of immence importance to believers, especially Christians as they were written in the 300 BC to 100 AD time period. real one ... they were written WHILE JESUS (supposedly) WALKED THE EARTH!!! And they were untouched during that time. So, shouldn't there be something in them about Jesus? WHY ISN'T THERE?
One problem with the NT real one, is you cannot tell what parts of it have been doctored. You can't tell WHO wrote them. The church in the first few centuries had the power to do whatever it was they wanted. To add, delete or ammend, and destroy any evidence that it was changed. Remember, "He who controls the past, controls the future." That was so true in that day. But, as much as they tried, they couldn't delete all evidence. That is why you find writings like the "Gospel of Thomas." Have you read that gospel, real one? If so, I'd like to get your opinion on childhood Jesus' pranks. This is a person's testomony after all, but there is a very good reason it isn't part of the bible cannon.
I guess what I'm saying, real one ... is that if you want to prove Jesus to us, you have to give us proof OUTSIDE of the bible. Something independantly verifiable and trustworthy, not something with the great potential for amending that the bible has had over the years, and especially over the first few hundred years after it was written. This would be proof that scientists can't deny. YOU, real one, said it was available ... please provide it.