To all here who want to control Mincan's sex life listen up if you will please ! If you read the CONTEXT of his initial post he was asking for advise in regards to how to reason with his girlfriend in getting her out of the witnesses , or at least reasoning with her on that topic . I find it absolutely ridiculous that people came on here firing torpedo's at this man in his 20's who had just had a FIRST EVER sexual experience with a 25 year old woman - imputing wrong motives to him for allegedly " leading astray " a JW adult woman. That's absolute bull$hit ! If the woman didn't want to be with him, I'm quite sure she would have made some other choice with how to spend her time ! She is accountable for her own decisions she makes as an adult , as is Mincan, and what they do in bed , or how long they do it is no ones damned business ; thank you very much . Unless some of you are lacking in your life in that department and want to live vicariously through Mincan's experiences . Which I think is pretty twisted. Just to let you know ( as if I need to ) next time my wife and I have sex- none of you will be informed. Hope that's not disappointing . Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Good call Flippy. Personally, I think the ones creating the big stink are the 40 year old virgins, pissed that M got some action 20 years before they did, and need to vent their frustration with themselves. It's sad, but understandable in that context, but at the same time too bad that when people are wrong, proven without a doubt that they are wrong, and keep up an argument to try to save face.
Hi5 Mincan!