Thanks for the encouraging post. I have been uplifted and will now have an enjoyable bible discussion. As a matter of fact, I am no longer depressed so now I can keep my home in a manner that reflects Godly principles and will set an example to others. I can cook nutritious meals and take care to serve food at the proper time.
I can make sure that my clothing is clean and neat and mended even though it is 15-20 years out of date. My families shoes will shine after I polish them as befitting a fine Christian example of very shiny shoes. I will adorn myself tastefully and attend many hours of meetings and field service per week.
After that I will give my husband his "marital due" as often as he wants while keeping up with my literature reading. As a matter of fact, I think a Christian woman should definitely read the literature while she is "giving the marital due."
All of this is because of the spiritual food I have had shoveled into my figurative pie hole. Just knowing that God's Organization understands me and my depression and is now telling everyone that they too should understand my mental illness makes me so happy that I will continue to wait on Jehovah until I die of old age.