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what's your personality type?
take this test if you're not sure:.
i had not been visiting the board for some time until just recently, so a lot of you don't even know me, but i wanted to announce that my wife and i are having a baby.
we just found out not too long ago.
today, though, was amazing!
ummmmm how to put this?
i'm leaving and moving on from this community, obviously to the great delight of many of you, however, for all the other more genuine characters, may i extend a hand of appreciation for all the help that you have given me at times.. to be honest, this place makes me feel more ill often than better, it feels like i'm sliding backwards the longer i stay around.. maybe one day i'll return when attitudes from those who could be more socially responsible actually make their nessarsary changes rather than constantly being on the attack against those who have no other agenda but a desire to help out their fellow man, regardless of religion, creed, sexual orientation or whatknot.. to those friends that i have made here, please feel free to email me anytime and/or if ever you need any help personally, please do not hesitate to call upon me.. cheerio, keep your chins up.. peace & whatknot(?).
what did you give up to become a witness?.
was it something you are still glad about or something you regret.. i'll start of with things i gave up.
(even though i was brought up in the truth talks and the mags made you guilty about certain things).
there was a story i used to tell a lot about a scientist who worked in the nuclear power industry.
this scientist had a job of public relations and would go around to different groups around the country.
he was afraid to fly anywhere though, so the company provided him a chauffer to take him from city to city.. somewhere in the course of giving the same speech over and over again, the chauffer tells him: doc, ive heard you give this same speech now a couple of dozen times, and i have it memorized word for word.
hey peeps, how are you?.
the name is mark, i've been hanging around here from time to time.
i read about the elders meeting with officer danni.s.
should mothers work?.
i was just reading how some tv personnality earns 250.000 a year and pays for someone to mind her children.. isn't this making her job more important than her children?would she pay this much herself for a child minder or is her job more important than being certain her children are recieving the best care?.
thats just thinking aloud ' i'm not sure where i stand on this.. maybe staying home with young children all day is to much for one human prehaps we need to do other things and children don't need their mother all the time and are ok with someone else.. i was looked after by my mother when young who gave up her job when pregnant with her first child.. my wife however was looked after by a child minder while her mum went to work .she feels she didn't miss out and would do the same.
it is just me or are all the women on this board bisexual?.
just a thought.. "three people can keep a secret...if two of them are dead.".
benjamin frankin - "poor richard's almanac"
this got me to thinking.... now that most of us have left the wts, i notice some have taken other belief systems.
some have come to a peace with their own ideas.. my question is are you involved with another religion?
has it brought you more peace or happiness?