I think the greatest benefit I've experienced is living without constant guilt. I still sometimes do things that violate my own personal rules -- hurt someone's feelings, for instance -- and I feel guilty about that. It's not like guilt is gone altogether. But as a JW, I ALWAYS felt guilty, since I was always in violation of one rule or another. Missed a meeting, didn't go in field service when I could have, haven't read the latest rags mags, etc.
Being able to accept reality is also a more pleasant way to live. Instead of having to force every bit of scientific information I receive through the JW filter, I can accept it and evaluate it on its own merits. Truth became what IS, and not what the latest Watchtower SAYS it is.
I guess most of the benefit to me was internal. I shook off "the new personality" and found out what *MY* personality was like. And I'm still learning on that one three years hence.