I can relate to what you are saying about posting something on the board and then after it is done, feelings of having done something wrong arise and you wonder how to undo it. I believe we set our minds to compose a post, and as we are doing it no other negative thoughts enter in, we concentrate on the task at hand. After it is finished and posted then, doubts about what we have said enter in, and we say what the hell have I done.
I read the posts on the worlds worst congregations and I thought it was a good thing to do. It makes us realize that the same problems exist world wide, it is not just that we as an individual alone are what the WT says are unhappy complainers. This article helped me see that problems definately exist world wide and numerous witnesses have attested to it.
As for depression, I've been there, right to the edge of death, the black night of the soul, that writers down through the centuaries have spoken about.
Right now I have a son, who over the xmas suffered nutritional imbalances, which affects his moods, a couple of years ago he was on meds, but these meds flattened him out into a stupor and lethargy, but they did help, we think.
So lately I have been searching for alternatives to meds. I went to the library and got a bunch of books on nutrition and mental illnesses. Some here have mentionned serotonin, I went to health food store and got some amino acids, namely precursor to seritonin, tryptophan and these turned him around almost immediately. Also required is essential fatty acids and B vitamins. Avoidance of alcohol and too much sugars and carbohydrates, to which he is allergic were also required.
Two quotes from one of the books I am reading:
Depression is a reaction to loss.
Depression results from aggression turned inward.
Now that I have finished this post, doubts are entering in. Who am I to be telling you, what you should be doing. I will set these doubt aside and still send this message. If you would like a list of books that will help, then e-mail me or request them on this thread. I could also tell how to delete your threads on the post you mentionned but I won't, the information is wanted and needed.
belbab wishing you and all the others well being and happiness.