Posts by belbab
The story of Samson
by Simon injust a few things in the account that don't make sense and lead me to believe it's just a made of story (really?
a guy with superhuman power?
who would have thought... ).
He did his massacres with a piece of animal bone. He used the jawbone of an ass. He used ridiculous weapon, just as David used a sling shot to destroy Goliath. He had a sense of humor.
Now, if I was a philistine, I would have assigned someone to shave his baldy head every morning
They burned his eyes out, with all the power in the world he could do nothing without eyes, or so they thought.
In fact, he was such a threat, why keep him alive at all?
They kept him for exhibition purposes, to show the supremacy of the Philistine gods. Just like the North Vietnamese, paraded a capture US pilot around the city in a small bamboo cage allowing him only to be in a crouching position. Samson was led about by a young boy. I hope he told him to run like hell when he led them to the two pillars.
He asked God to destroy the Philistines only for one eye, he knew he was responsible for at least one eye.
So whether this story is myth or legend, it still has value for me.
How about the story of King Arthur and the round table. Myth or legend, who cares? The story has value. -
Gilead Instructors
by YoYoMama inis anyone familiar with the gilead instructors:.
liverance, bowen, noumair, and karl adams.
:: YoYoMama: I don't believe Ray Franz was ever an instructor. He was a student and a missionary. The four names above are those of the present day instructors.
Ray Franz was also a member of the governing body, and a prominent writer in the writing department.
The "TRVTH" may not set you Free
by Amazing indoes "trvth" set one free?
truth can certainly promote and assure freedom ... but the "key" to the jailhouse door is not some ultimate "trvth" that we must find.
some argue that theists, deist, or atheist are free due to some "trvth" or that they are all hypocrits because they debate one another.
If you say you HAVE the truth, then you do not have it.
If you say you DO NOT HAVE the truth, then you have it.
The Cretan says, all Cretans are liars, is he saying the truth or untruth?
She's Leaving Home..Bye Bye..
by Englishman inyour 20 year old son / daughter announces that he / she is involved in an intense relationship with someone that is causing you to have some misgivings.. said offspring also announces that wedding bells will be ringing inside a year or two.
firstly though, our two lovebirds have plans to set up home together and live in delightful sin whilst they save up for the big day.
convene a judicial committee?.
You mean you never checked for twenty years, and you are unsure what he/she is?
Or is heshe both?
Or is this an Adam/Eve type of relationship?
clarify, clarify clarify.
Update on my Situation
by mindfield inwell, as some of you know, i'm completely out of the borg, including meetings, converting, etc.
my brother/cousin are one step behind... they've made up their mind that the org.
is just a man-made organisation with plenty of secrets to hide (some of which i've gleefully exposed to them.... now, as for my parents... they're still completely in, don't worry.
It looks like your on the ball as far as handling your parents and brother and cousins , and I do not wish to add suggestions to influence any of your course of actions. Rather I want to validate the course you are taking.
Recently, my wifes mother who is in her eighties, an entrenched JW visited us for a month. If I brought up anything about magazines, JWs or any subject that in the slightest referred to their religion it would be met with silence, and a look of fear would cross her face. So I didn't, I steered clear from such topics. However, I did know that she liked to read. I had a couple of books from the library on archeology that had very interesting subjects in it. Also I had good novels and many other books that were really enlightening. I would bring out a pile of them and let her pick and choose which ones she would read, and sometimes I was surprised at which ones she read.
One book she would not read though was The Hunted Heritic. I guess it was too close to home. The book was a biography of Servetus, who Calvin burnt at the stake with green wood.
So my course of action has always to try and act as a catylist, just put a little info out there and then let the reactions carry on by themselves.
belbab -
McClintock and Strong Cycolpedia on CD
by VM44 insomeone awhile ago asked about the .
mcclintock and strong biblical cycopedia.. well, i just found this:.
[ http://www.online-bible.com/mcclintockstrong.html].
Thanks for this info.
This is another good link that I use all the time. I found it from one of the threads about UN library or something.
It has Strong's references, Bible dictionaries, many different versions of whole Bible, Hebrew and Greek texts, and whole bunch more. It's a gold mine, if you are into Bible research.
go to: http://bibles.net/
please help my friend know she is not alone.
by hungry4life ineveryone on this board has always been there for me when i needed help and i appreciate it so much.
now it is my friend that is in trouble.
(the same one that i wrote about in most of my other posts particularly the ones about ray franz and coc).
Dear Hungry for Life,
Many suggestions have already been given here, My thoughts are do the simplest, the least disturbing thing, the one that shows the most love to all, and takes the least amount of effort.
Down through the centuries whenever a man abuses a women, others stand up and protect her. All that is needed is that the husband. the elders and perhaps the Society itself needs their chains rattled a little. Just let them know that they are being watched, let them know that any harassment, abuse, verbal or physical is being monitored and recorded. I would love for you to post the name of the congregation here, but that may not be possible, but all you have to do is find someone in the congregation, probably just some insignificant sister and let her know what is going on. The grape vine will do the rest.
When some is marked in the congregation, no announcement is made, it just spreads from mouth to mouth, in secret. What I am suggesting here is just reverse the process.
My thoughts are with you and your friend, and there are more with us than with them.
How A Witness Might Respond to Doctrinal Errors
by stevieb1 inhello people.
i would appreciate your take on the following reasoning.. a witness when presented with some errors of wt doctrine such as 607bce for example could turn round and say, "well we might be wrong on this but this matter is not as bad as teaching that god burns sinners in a fiery hell forever like some religion of christendom do.
i do not feel that chronology (or some other matter) affects my relationship with jehovah and his organization.
Well we might be wrong on this but this matter is not as bad as teaching that God burns sinners in a fiery hell forever like some religion of Christendom do.
Russell may have put out imaginary fires in an imaginary after life, but JWs have brought hell down to earth.
They burn their children to death in not letting their lives be saved through blood transfusions, all for the honor of their god Molech.
They allow young men to languish in prison for not accepting alternate service in the country they are living in, all for the glory of their god.
They cover over justice in pedophile crimes.
They allow full time workers to tire themselves out, living on poor food, no dental care, poor medical care, no provision for sickness and old age.
They bring their organization between marriage partners, and divide something that God has put together.
They force people who have an ardent desire for marriage and children
to forego their natural inclinations and lead an unhappy and fruitless life.Enough already.
Your FIRST reaction to these words:
by belbab inand this good news of the kingdom will be preached inall the inhabited earth for the purpose of a witness to all the nations, and then the accomplished end will come.
I have been out of the Org for three decades. I was disfellowshipped for questioning the orgs doctrines. For a long time I could not read the Bible, without having a JW slant on much of it. I was reborn out of the Watchtower and booted out into isolation along with my afterbirth, that is all the false brain washings that still clung to my thought processes. For a long time my answers were similar to all of yours if I had been asked my reaction to the principal text that JWs use.
My reaction to this text would have been, groooooooaaaaannnnn!
Because I have always been a shy person, door to door work was a huge effort for me. It finally wore me down to breakdown.If something is good news why would it take effort? Good news spreads by itself, it does not require effort, organization, literature and all the rest. It spreads like wild fire, the Canadian hockey team just won over Belarus and is headed for the gold cup match. Way to go Canada. No effort, see.
Amazing Your post has brought something very interesting to the fore. You ask what translation? It IS from the NWT, the only NWT I have is published in 1963. The NWT translation came out in five volumes from 1953 to 1960. Then they combined those five volume into one big fat green book which is the one I have. I also have a The Interlinear Translation which does not have the same reading and was published in 1969.
Does anyone one have the latest version and can print the text out here? My reaction to this latest discovery, is oh shit, not again.
More comments later.