please help my friend know she is not alone.

by hungry4life 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • hungry4life

    Everyone on this board has always been there for me when I needed help and I appreciate it so much. Now it is my friend that is in trouble. (the same one that I wrote about in most of my other posts particularly the ones about Ray Franz and COC). She has been making steady progress out of the Borg, she even got hooked up to the internet and has done lots of research on her own (calling 1-800 - WHY 1914 and other places, Randy's site, Silent Lambs etc) this research and what she has seen in the congregation has convinced her that the the JW's are wrong about many things. She has 3 young kids and she does not want to see them grow up oppressed an indoctrinated so she has been trying to quietly fade away.

    Meanwhile her husband is still studying and he has become more and more convinced it is the truth (his dad died a year ago and he is really searching for some hope of seeing him again). The thing is her Husband doesn't realize what it really means to be a JW (I guess nobody does going in) He agrees that there are problems, but says they are issues with men and they should not be stumbled by these (my friend has tried to tell him that the fact that they are mans teachings is the real problem, but he can't see it).

    He is getting angrier and angrier everyday (she hasn't attended any meetings in over a month). The last week has been the worst he has abused her physically and threatened her severely. A little while ago she called me very upset. He had called her from work and told her that she is never to talk to me again since this is all my fault, and he told her to cancel her internet connection, today.

    She is so scared, she can't talk to the elders (and wouldn’t want to anyway), all her family are witnesses (and it is a very small family. her mom died when she was a young child). She has always been a stay at home mom and has no education beyond high school. I know she feels so trapped. Nobody from the congregation has been visiting her and she has no friends besides me. He doesn't know where I live, and I have told her that if she ever needs to get away she can come stay with me and I will help her get on her feet. (I don’t want to break up her marriage but she needs to know she has options). But what she really wants is to make her marriage work without having to sacrifice her conscience. She does not want to be a JW, and she wants her kids to have a normal life (guilt free celebrations, sports, college, and friends).

    Then as if that were not bad enough she allowed her kids to celebrate Valentines this year. She bought them cards and let them stay at the party. Well her kids are the only JW's at the school but there is a woman who works there that is a JW. Friday when my friend went to help in her daughters class that lady told her that she had spoken to an elder N about valentines day and he had agreed that celebrating it was wrong. My friend is worried that this was a non subtle way of saying she had tattled on her (the lady is probably covering her bases in case the elders ask her if she has approached my friend about the situation). So know she is worried that the elders are going to pay her a visit and that her husband might spill his guts (he promised her he wouldn't but as I said he has become increasingly agitated). She is trying to bide her time and I am going to send her the other a copy of "The Stars" thread where many of you suggested ways of doing this.

    I know this is a long post but what I am asking is for you to please type her an encouraging post to let her know that she is not alone. That we have also shared pain similar to hers and that she will be O.K. She just needs to know that there are supportive people out there and that she is not insane. I will print out the posts and send them to her PO box. Also if you have encouraging site pages I can save them on a disc for her and mail those too. Even If you don't have a lot of time to type something up ,give me the link to an old post (maybe an experience that you posted or read) that you think might help and I will put a packet together for her. Thank You all sooo much.


    Hey Hungry4life,get your friend to come hang out with us on the board.Introduce her on your post,like ISP did with Rummy.Does she have a cyber name?...OUTLAW

  • hungry4life

    OUTLAW thanks it is a good idea except her husband told her that she has to get rid of her internet service TODAY! I mean he is really upset it is a bad situation but I can't divulge all the private details. That is why I am sooo worried. She had only had the internet for about a month but it had helped her so much. She lives in a very isolated mountain community (pop.500 if that). This is why I am asking people to post their support and encouragement. I figure if I print it or put it on a disc her husband won't know about it.

  • safe4kids

    Hi Hungry,

    My heart goes out to your friend. I can remember how scared I was when I was on my way out. I was raised a JW; it was all I knew. And I had small children, a non JW husband, and was riding an emotional roller coaster. Talk about fear! And feeling trapped. My point is that I can relate somewhat to your friend's situation and if you or she would like to contact me, feel free to email me.

    The best advice I can offer is for her to go with her gut. At this point she's aware of the false teachings of the WTS; she's certain that she doesn't want her children to endure being raised as witnesses; she can find strength from that conviction that her children need her as their advocate, especially with the father taking the studies so seriously. There were things I did that I don't think I could've done for myself but I was able to do them for my children.

    Hope this helps. I know that it's a very painful process but it does get better! And she has a wonderful friend in you Hungry That can make all the difference because she isn't alone.


  • dmouse

    HfL, My heart goes out to your friend. You must assure her she is NOT alone. Many, many good people have been in the same situation.
    It sounds as if her husband has already succumbed to the indoctrination process; unfortunately he was contacted at a vulnerable time in his life - a favourite trick of cults like the JWs.
    They have an answer to his pain and that's something powerful that he won't want to give up - hence his anger when your friend shines a light into the darkness of their beliefs (he doesn't want the truth at the moment).

    Anyway, it will take a lot of patience to get through this. Invite your friend to come to this forum where she can talk to the good people here - the advice and comfort she will get from the wonderful human beings on this board WILL help, as will pouring out her feelings - it's a cathartic experience that's done me a world of good in the past.

    Kind regards,

  • Xander

    The last week has been the worst he has abused her physically and threatened her severely.

    Uhhhhh....did no one else notice this?

    Sorry, but their is NO excuse for this. *EVER* I'd die before I hurt my wife, and any guy who doesn't feel the same way doesn't deserve a woman's company.

    She needs to LEAVE HER HUSBAND. ****NOW****

    Yeah, she's got kids. Okay, that sucks that they'll have to grow up without a dad, but if he's being abusive, well to say they'd be better off without him is an understatement (this is not opinion, BTW). (He's abusive AND JOINING A CULT?!?!)

    And she's already called "1-800 - WHY 1914"?? Isn't that for sexual abuse?!?!

    Why is there even a discussion here?

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • dungbeetle

    If a woman is being abused, it is best for her to grab her chcildren and go stay someplace else for a while. If aomeone abuses their spouse, then the children are being emotionally abused as well. To put some physical distance between the two warring parties is the best thing that can be done because then it prevents escalation.

    Counseling should be sought in the case of abuse of any kind, immediately.

    My question is this: if this man is studying with the JW's, and he's behaving this way, what 'remedy' does the study conductor have? Where are the elders concerning HIS behavior?

    Men can be attracted to the JW lifestyle because of the submission that women/wives are supposed to exhibit. That means that if the woman in his life chooses NOT to accept this role, there WILL be problems that will NOT go away.

    While I think it might be good for your friend to have you, and a discussion board, they are NOT a substitute for professionsl help. AND, it's important that the professional that is choosen have more-than-average knowledge/experience with cult exiting.

    I repeat for emphasis---cyber support systems are NO substitue for professional intervention in a situation that could could escalate. And it isn't fair for us, either, to be put in that position, which you haven't as of yet.

    Best wishes to you and your friend.

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

  • Xander

    My question is this: if this man is studying with the JW's, and he's behaving this way, what 'remedy' does the study conductor have? Where are the elders concerning HIS behavior?

    I'm going to assume you never attended a kingdom hall in a poorer region of the country.

    To say the elders turn a blind eye to abuse cases understatement.

    Men can be attracted to the JW lifestyle because of the submission that women/wives are supposed to exhibit. That means that if the woman in his life chooses NOT to accept this role, there WILL be problems that will NOT go away.

    And this is exactly why. As long as the husband is a publisher in good standing, the wife can bring no charges against him a JC would listen to. Remember, it takes 2 witnesses...

    And to top it off, if it just the wife's word against her husband, they typically take his side of it.

    I've actually seen this happening. Wife complains to elder about verbally abusive husband. Elders take husband aside and councel him for his wife not properly appreciating the headship principle (IE., complaining to the elders about her husbands 'headship'). And, of course, take wife and children aside and councel them on not appreciating godly headship.

    If this even happened at only one hall, but no, more than one....

    Know what, I'm going to step away from the keyboard for a moment here, this one is just a little too close....

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana
  • sf

    "The last week has been the worst he has abused her physically and threatened her severely."

    So, who is going to be the first one to call the police and/or an attorney here? You or her? Why has he not been arrested? Why is he being "protected" by her? Yes, by HER. Call the cops and get the ball rolling. Get a restraining order. ACTION PEOPLE, ACTION!

    Why is this such a difficult concept to grasp? And what are you waiting for? The kids to be next?

    "And she's already called "1-800 - WHY 1914"?? Isn't that for sexual abuse?!?!"

    The number you want is 1-800-wt-abuse.


    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • dungbeetle

    My dearest Xander---and may you have peace.

    This was a question that was put out simply to make a point to the readers of this forum.

    Thank you for the fabulous expanison of. Couldn't have said it better myself.

    I still say 'get out of the house', especially if there's children involved.

    In 1975 a crack team of publishers was sentenced to death by a judicial commiteee. They promptly escaped from the cult and now live life on the run. If you have a problem ... and if you can find them ... maybe you can contact the A--postate Team"

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