I’ve thought along similar lines, Simon. My question and musings are, How far would a WT operative go with subterfuge to establish that he is an authentic apostate poster?
Decades ago, Jerry Rubin, in his book Rebel Without Cause gave advice on how to gain the confidence of some rebel cause. One of the things was that if they were pushing some drugs, marihuana, LSD, even heroin you went along with it and showed you were in the same league.
Sometime ago, there were news reports of Communist China, placing sleepers in US organisations that remain quiet for years until something came up that required their services. Similarly, Ben Ladin, placed sleepers around the world operating clandestinely until the right moment arrived.
Are there WT sleepers on this Forum, who lay quiet or advise the [i]storming of the barricades[/b] to a ridiculous degree and then when the appropriate occasion arises direct the course of events to WT advantage?
My thoughts, based mostly on intuition, is that certain posters on this board have access to WT service department records, and can bring up information to establish credibility. They may know of events that took place years ago and refer to published news articles to bring the information to the fore, but these stories only bring up forgotten stories that do no harm to present day WT situations.
Then when a subject like the WT involvement with the UN arises, they provide information to misdirect traffic and lead the hounds off into a false direction.
So how far would an operative go to establish a false misleading identity? Would he curse Jehovah under oath? It seems it is O.K to use any subterfuge possible in their books.
belbab, on the borderline of paranoia, perhaps?