Thanks, Danny. No it wasn't me. Haven't drawn a gun on anyone in several years. And if I were shot, I'd definitely know it as I would have a nice stash of painkillers and a case of brews and my posts would be a lot more colorful.
Safe, I can't believe you did that to Berno! No wonder he doesn't like kids!
Funny how so many know the Perry congregation.
When my family moved there in 82, the congregation was very strange. Might as well make this a long post since we are talking history and the move to Perry ultimately led to my getting fired from The Empire.
My family and another family moved to Perry in 82 from Fort Valley since "the need was great" in Perry.
Another family moved up from Florida, the father having originally been from Perry. (Dell Coffey, anyone remember him?)
When we arrived, Sunday meeting attendance was around 25. Only one elder before all us "newcomers" invaded. James Ross, "old guard" elder of the congregation. Actually 2 elders, counting Oliver Reagan, my great-great uncle. He was very strange to say the least. Singlehandedly kept up the congregation's hours in field service, would laugh about how he was sent to jail by the draft board in WWII and one member of the draft board died in a whorehouse. He didn't get much respect from the old congregation before we came, he had no congregational responsibilities and few speaking parts which is a shame because every talk he gave came from the heart.
When we moved in, it was culture shock for everyone. James Ross' wife was used to handling some congregational duties usually reserved for men like running the sound system, etc. As the body of elders suddenly expanded past one, tensions arose there also. My dad would come home from elders meetings so discouraged at all resistance to change.
I made one friend. The other 2 elders' kids I didn't like and they didn't like me. The friend was a young black dude 4 years younger than me. Arra Lawson. His parents just loved me. Used to call me "Lawson, junior" since I was at their house so much. A few old-guards didn't like it for some reason. Here's a little racial tension for you, the main old-guard who didn't like it was black and thought Arra shouldn't have a white best friend.
As time went on, I became the congregation's only teenager. Boy was THAT fun! Girl-chasing was "ACHTUNG! VERBOTTEN!" for whatever reason I still don't know. When I got my first car at 16, all hell broke loose. Actually that comes from the fact that the other 2 children of elders were still a couple of years younger than me so of course they couldn't have cars. Imagine suddenly being known as a hot-rodder when you drive your grandfather's 76 Mustang II. You remember those "Pinto-Mustangs" with the 4-cylinders that had the power of a Pinto and the gas mileage of a Continental?
Around this time, we built and moved into our new kingdom hall. "Quick-build" my ass! Took near about a year. The building itself went up on the foundation in a weekend but site preparation and finishing work took much longer. The other elders kids were always there but always managed to find a spot to play ball. Arra and I decided to work since that was the right thing to do. We always got the shit jobs. Tarring the retainer wall was the one I remember the best; when I tried to wash the tar off my arms with gasoline, it made the skin on my arms turn exactly the same color and texture as Arra's. He and I and his parents laughed our asses off, I had finally started turning black and the only thing left to go was the blond hair and blue eyes. He and I pulled every shit job you could think of, always working hard to finish them right and quickly while the other kids played. When the hall's dedication slideshow played, every other young person in that congregation was mentioned and commended EXCEPT US.
AOL-TV box won't let me go long, will post this then continue....