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JoinedPosts by benext
Outline for Special Talk "Is God Still in Control" for April 30th 2006
by Elsewhere inat the end of this years memorial talk, the speaker gave an announcement that a "special talk" will be given by jehovers witnesses through the world on april 30th, 2006. here is the outline for that talk.. credit for bringing this to us goes to a person who must remain anonymous.
to download the talk outline in pdf format: click here.. .
is god still in control?.
Rent vs. Buying a house
by Elsewhere in.
i have started thinking about buying a house again.
something that drives me nuts is the fact that i can't seem to get a straight answer out of anyone as to whether or not owning a house would be financially better than renting an apartment.. things to take into consideration:how much i pay in much rent increases each much i pay in renters much a mortgage would much pmi or an 80 / xx mortgage would much i would have to take from or borrow from my 401ks and iras for a down much i will have to pay in penalties for taking money from my 401ks and much money l will loose by not having that 401k money earning much maintenance on the property will much insurance will much i will be paying in property much in "freebies" i will get from the seller (they will pay $xxx in closing costs if i use their mortgage company).other crap i haven't thought of yet.. it seems like everyone i talk to has their own agenda and they all give me different results based on they want me to do so they will get more money from me.
My first house was a two family. With the rental income I was only going into my pocket for around $500 a month. I had the house 4 years, sold at a huge profit, and put down a large down payment on a single family. I was only able to afford the first house by taking out a loan on my 401k. The advantage to that was I was paying myself back for the loan. In 2001 the IRS allowed this on a first time purchase with no penalty. If you disturb your IRA then you have the 10% penalty, there is no 20% witholding but the money is counted and taxed as ordinary income.
2006 District Assembly
by pratt1 in.
i was told that all of the district assemblies in the nyc/new jersey area was going to be held at the circuit assembly sites and not nassau arena.. .
is that true?.
Nassau Coliseum is up for sale. There are big development plans for the surrounding area. The WT may have seen the last of conventions held there.
WT 5/1/06 -Backing Away from 1914? - NO
by TheListener inbacking away from 1914?
i think not.. may 1, 2006 wt third study article on page 27, paragraph 2 and 3 state:.
"2. almost 30 years after that pentecost in 33 c.e., the apostle paul confirmed that christ had not yet taken full kingdom power, but he was "at the right hand of god, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet.
As long as the WT can keep claiming things take place invisibally they can keep playing their 3 card monte game.
New Invitations for the "Deliverance at Hand" DC
by dorayakii in.
the front of this new watchtower-sized invitation features a common painting of the jw paradise and the theme of his years distirct convention, "deliverance at hand" emblazened across the front.
it looks like they're trying to work up armageddon fervour again.. .
Is the phrase "at hand" a substitute for "soon," "near," or "right around the corner?"
I think I'll pass.
Funerals: GB vs. Publisher diff - Memorial Talk for W. Lloyd Barry
by What-A-Coincidence inhow a funeral talk differs from a gb to a regular pub... or you can talk about the comments made about l. barry.
in 1952 he was appointed as branch overseer, and served there until he was invited to serve on the governing body in .
" this was very true of bro.
The funeral talk outline specifically mentions not to eulogize the deceased. It supposedly is to comfort the "believing" family members and give a witness (push the religion) on the attending "worldlies." My old cong. used to have the attendants stand in the back and hand out whatever death tracts or brochures were available. The speaker could, of course, count the time spent giving the talk.
Circuit Ass last weekend
by XBEHERE intheme was based on the scripture to "clothe yourselves with the new personality" .
program had 2 symposiums and various other talks.
i didnt take notes... stopped doing that a while ago but i did manage to listen to some of the program.
My former circuit dissolved 3 congregations in the last 5 years and went from what used to be a three part circuit many years ago to just one. This year the district assembly will be held at the local assembly hall. The generation of 1975 is getting very old and without the ability to make anymore "predictions" on the date of the end the WTS has no marketability. Lies+lies=mass exodus.
GB member speaks about cutbacks
by startingover ina member of the gb spoke in this area recently.
i understand one talk was about endurance.
no surprise there.
Bethelites are being encouraged to learn foreign languages and are transferring out of English speaking congregations to French, Spanish, Korean ones if they don't want to be "downsized."
Were You Ever Hauled Into The Library By The Elders...
by exjdub infor something really stupid, or for something you didn't do?.
since joining the jwd board i have had a lot of deep, deep, memories pop back into my head.
sometimes they are memories that are not very enjoyable...and sometimes those memories make me laugh out loud.
When I reached puberty and started letting a little hair grow on my chin one of the elders "mentioned" it. I said I would cut it but he and another brother insisted on talking to me anyway.
Do you think people are amazed you left?
by Sassy inwhether you have been disfellowshipped, or disasociated yourself or just slowly are fading or inactive... .
or even are still there at the hall attending due to family.. .
do you think that when you were at your 'strongest as a believer' that anyone would have guessed how you feel about the wts now?.
It's been over 2 years and the tongues are still wagging.