I haven't read all 7 pages so sorry if this has already been mentioned.
I see it as quite simple why you are no longer being harrassed by demons.
The WTS is constantly pounding it in your head that demons are real and when anything bad happens it must be them harrassing you. Eventually you start believing this and blame everything from your car breaking down to a storm knocking the power out on a meeting night to the demons.
My mom was the champion of this. Everything bad happening was Satan and the demons. Everything good was because of Jehovah. I was even told when I got a good job it was because of Jehovah. Not because I had a good education and lots of experience and was a great employee.
Now that you are not exposed to that line of thinking 3 times a week you start to see that when bad things happen it's either your fault or totally out of your control. Sometime sh!t happens.
When I was a child I used to pray every night that the demons wouldn't get me. All thanks to the WTS scaring the hell out of a little kid. Now that I'm out I know they don't exist and there is no boggyman under my bed.