I mentioned to my wife on our way home that I hope I wasn't like they were when I was a witness. I don't remember being down on people for their belifs.
Maybe that's how I was able to get out. I was able to open my mind and see the good in other people.
Oh yeah, at the viewing they told me my mom who suffering from Alhziemers was telling how when my dad became a witness my uncle called him a Son of a Bitch. She came right out and said it in front of everyone. They said they were so embarrased. I just laughed and told them to give her a break. I mean she litterally losing her mind. Witnesses need to relax a little.
My wife and I also talked about how the society comes down so hard on education. I was telling her about SickofLies recordings and how they blamed his questions on education. She said she has never heard of a religion being so down on religion. I told her it's their way of keeping people in line. As soon as you start thinking for yourself you see how ridiculous their teachings are.