JoinedTopics Started by Lecari12RuleU
Help! What does this mean?
by anew inok, i am not bisexual or gay.
but i seem to be drawn to gay men!
i am a female.
Where were God's chosen ppl between bible times and late 1800's?
by Lecari12RuleU inhas anyone else ever wondered where god's "chosen people" were in the hundreds of years between when jesus was alive in bible days and when charles t. russell came onto the scene and started the bible students in the late 1890's?
if jw's are god's "chosen religion" then wouldn't his ppl have records of their being around the whole time?
this does not make any sense to me.
Are you an atheist? ...
by Nicolas inpersonally, i consider myself as a "soft-atheist".
i don't believe in god but i keep an open mind and if someone can come with a real proof of god's existence, i'll take it.
for now, i consider that believing in god, is just as silly as believing in santa claus.
God doesn't want you to use Crest or Tide!!!
by Elsewhere inhttp://money.cnn.com/2004/09/17/news/fortune500/pg_gay_rights/index.htm?cnn=yes
conservatives urge p&g boycott.
christian groups go after crest, tide due to company's opposition to cincinnati anti-gay statute.. september 17, 2004: 3:01 pm edt .
Where have all the DEMONS gone?
by shamus inso, where are all the stories?
i was told that because one did not have 'jehovahs' protection, the demons would and could have a 'heyday' with you.
so who here is plagued with demons now?
As a JW youth, did you have a shared sense of history with other JW youths?
by truthseeker induring my school years, i was bullied almost every day at school due to my being a jw, and this did nothing for my self esteem and confidence.
compounding this problem, was the fact that i had not a single friend my own age in the kingdom hall, i had no social life and nothing to do at the weekends.
in short, i became a social recluse.. of course, admitting this is hard, and things are very much different now since i moved.. but not having any friends in my old kingdom hall, did not mean there was no one there my own age.
have you done things BECAUSE they were condemned by the WTS?
by doogie inhey guys,.
since leaving, has anyone done anything specifically because it was condemned by the society?.
- i went and got a tattoo (i had wanted one anyway, but really enjoyed it since it was a no-no...i'm getting a big'n next week...).
I can't believe I did it!!!
by HadEnuf inwell my fellow compatriots, since i haven't posted any topics lately of an interesting or fascinating nature (and probably never have in the past either); i just thought you might all like to know that yesterday i took the plunge and put a closure on my 4 decades of being one of them there jw's.
you guessed it...i went and got myself a tattoo!
just needed to share this important moment in history.