Hey I know that soon I'll be part of your little clan! I'm going to Las Vegas for New Years, which is coincidently also my BIRTHDAY!!! Yip I'll be 25!! Bout darn time to get me a tattoo. I'm also getting my navel pierced witha gem barbell. The tat is of a sexy fairy on my lower abdomen. I'm so excited, been wanting to do it now for years, just haven't had the courage to do it I guess. Plus I've had (have) to lose a little before I could get it done (so said my hubby) because "belly rings don't look the best on women with their stomachs poking out, you need a flat sexy tummy to get it done" etc. etc. SO...I've lost 14 lbs. so far and still going. I got me 9 weeks or so still to keep on truckin' and I'll be Dam*ed if I'm not going to get it done this time! I even have an appt. for 10am at a place off the Strip. I'M FINALLY GOING TO DO IT!!!!!!!!
JoinedPosts by Lecari12RuleU
I can't believe I did it!!!
by HadEnuf inwell my fellow compatriots, since i haven't posted any topics lately of an interesting or fascinating nature (and probably never have in the past either); i just thought you might all like to know that yesterday i took the plunge and put a closure on my 4 decades of being one of them there jw's.
you guessed it...i went and got myself a tattoo!
just needed to share this important moment in history.
Help! What does this mean?
by anew inok, i am not bisexual or gay.
but i seem to be drawn to gay men!
i am a female.
Just to let you know that there's nothing wrong with being attracted to gay men. I'm bisexual myself, so I swing both ways, but I too think gay men are very sexy. Well, ofcourse it depends on the guy, but two HOTTIES getting it on, esp. the making out, whoo hooo....gets my temp up just watching it. I recommend QAF if you are into watching gay guys make out, there's always TONS of that on that show. Just go rent season 1 & 2. :) That's all.
Where were God's chosen ppl between bible times and late 1800's?
by Lecari12RuleU inhas anyone else ever wondered where god's "chosen people" were in the hundreds of years between when jesus was alive in bible days and when charles t. russell came onto the scene and started the bible students in the late 1890's?
if jw's are god's "chosen religion" then wouldn't his ppl have records of their being around the whole time?
this does not make any sense to me.
I'm in full agreement "the best time for his ppl" would be when there wasn't anything to be done. ;) PARTY all the time!!! hehe.
I feel that it's just ridiculous. I'm not going to say that her getting married at a young age is the stupid move on her part, because I too got married young, 19 1/2 actually, much younger than her 22. I AM however saying that I do not think that she's gotten married for love in either marriage. Her first marriage was a stunt, a drunk, stupid, folly stunt just to get her lots of press. It was a stupid joke that two young people (one outrageously famous) would do. This marriage however is stupid because they haven't been dating long at all, what a few months? You know this must also be for press reasons for the most part. Sure she might feel something for him, they aren't too far off in age, he was a dancer, etc. but I just can't see how she genuinely LOVES him. I saw on a magazine today at the grocery store (don't recall which one) that she might be pregnant and that's why she got married so fast. Only time will tell on either account I suppose. Just glad I'm not in HER shoes. Maybe a few years ago when she was just raking in the doe, but not today.
Where were God's chosen ppl between bible times and late 1800's?
by Lecari12RuleU inhas anyone else ever wondered where god's "chosen people" were in the hundreds of years between when jesus was alive in bible days and when charles t. russell came onto the scene and started the bible students in the late 1890's?
if jw's are god's "chosen religion" then wouldn't his ppl have records of their being around the whole time?
this does not make any sense to me.
I'm just saying that it's stupid cause they're ALWAYS talking the JW's from CTRussels' time on and all the experiences they tell are always from the 40's, etc. But you never have heard an experience like "there was a faithful brother who lived in Saxon England in 1380...." just an example. But it's just stupid that history books cover practically everything, all the famous people who lived all throughout history, every decade and the JW's only discuss Jesus' time period, i.e. "biblical times" and modern day (1890's on) for their existanne. IT's insane. You would think they would have a record of where the "society" was in between those time periods. Makes one think that the Bible Students/JW religion just started up with CT Russell and his teachings since there's no historical evidence that they existed at all up until then. Also, they celebrated birthdays, holidays, the works up till 1914? And smoking up till the 50's I believe? So they were practically worldly-like in their ways anyway. It's just stupid. The light keeps getting brighter my butt. More like "let's just make this cult more strict and more different than the other religions and outside ppl to have a better hold on them".....
Are you an atheist? ...
by Nicolas inpersonally, i consider myself as a "soft-atheist".
i don't believe in god but i keep an open mind and if someone can come with a real proof of god's existence, i'll take it.
for now, i consider that believing in god, is just as silly as believing in santa claus.
I too consider myself agnostic now. I'm not sure if there is a God or not, but I'll tell you that I'm leaning towards a NO. My reason for not knowing or really believing in God anymore? Well, if JW is not God's chosen religion, then how could any other religion be right? How can I know that God exists at all, if everything I've believed in and have been taught since birth isn't true? And another thing about that...how could "I" be so LUCKY to have bene born into GOD's CHOSEN religion? It just don't make any sense to me. That's highly unlikely!!! What LUCK that would be, that there are so many hundreds of religions around the world and I (like many) was born into the RIGHT one, a JW? Not likely, unless we are the most SPECIAL ppl that have ever existed!!! You spend too much time praying to God, when you discover that you don't really need to anymore, no one to hear it anyway. Just some things I've been hashing in my scull. BTW, I love that movie quote from the BIG BOUNCE too! "God is just an imaginary friend for adults".......PERFECT! :)
Where were God's chosen ppl between bible times and late 1800's?
by Lecari12RuleU inhas anyone else ever wondered where god's "chosen people" were in the hundreds of years between when jesus was alive in bible days and when charles t. russell came onto the scene and started the bible students in the late 1890's?
if jw's are god's "chosen religion" then wouldn't his ppl have records of their being around the whole time?
this does not make any sense to me.
Has anyone else ever wondered where God's "chosen people" were in the hundreds of years between when Jesus was alive in Bible days and when Charles T. Russell came onto the scene and started the Bible Students in the late 1890's? If JW's are God's "chosen religion" then wouldn't his ppl have records of their being around the WHOLE time? This does not make any sense to me. Anyone else ever wonder about this? Where were the witnesses in the 1600's? 1700's? etc.? They just didn't exist? Or did Jehovah allow his ppl to be Catholic or Christian for a few hundred years (during the Crusades and such) and then cause them to go and become the Bible Students "Jehovah's Witnesess"???? Comments? Things we ponder over................
have you done things BECAUSE they were condemned by the WTS?
by doogie inhey guys,.
since leaving, has anyone done anything specifically because it was condemned by the society?.
- i went and got a tattoo (i had wanted one anyway, but really enjoyed it since it was a no-no...i'm getting a big'n next week...).
"I did get my belly button pierced as an act of defiance when I was on my way out, though. It was my Declaration of Independence.".......that's excatly what I'm plannin on doing here soon. I've wanted one for 8 years. I'm also planning on getting a tattoo around January. I've already picked it out, a sexy fairy on my lower abdomen/groin area, to hide around the family. Let's see, what have I tried so far? Been in a threesome, with another chick. Gotten drunk, but who hasn't at least once? Been doing that every so often for a few years now though. Just recently started smoking, but only one cig. about every other weekend, usually a Sat. night on the porch. Don't want to get addicted. Oh yeah and listen to "evil music" like Marilyn Manson and Rob Zombie, the "demon worshipers!" and watch VERY rated R movies, hell porn even. It's all good. :) Very releasing.....indeed. I base a movie on if I'm looking forward to seeing it by what the rating is: (R for Nudity, language, sexuality, drug use), hell, that's my kind of movie!!!!! lol. Really the tattoo (or 2) and some piercings and some pot to try someday, when I can get hold of some are all that's left of my rebellious longings (for now)......it gives me something to look forward to. :)
God doesn't want you to use Crest or Tide!!!
by Elsewhere inhttp://money.cnn.com/2004/09/17/news/fortune500/pg_gay_rights/index.htm?cnn=yes
conservatives urge p&g boycott.
christian groups go after crest, tide due to company's opposition to cincinnati anti-gay statute.. september 17, 2004: 3:01 pm edt .
Wow that's crazy. Now I'll have to go out and buy MORE Tide and Crest toothpaste! lol. :)
Where have all the DEMONS gone?
by shamus inso, where are all the stories?
i was told that because one did not have 'jehovahs' protection, the demons would and could have a 'heyday' with you.
so who here is plagued with demons now?
You guys are hilarious! That candle link page was too funny. God are there really ppl out there that are THAT moronic? I was sitting reading and laughing my butt off. Oil wick, candle wick and incense stick light.....they are ALL light (flames), what the hell is the difference to demons if they are so attracted to flickering lights? What does candle wax with a wick lit and an oil lamp wick have that are different? NOTHING. hehe. SO stupid. :) Thanks for the laugh.